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News Filed Under Poultry

January 21, 2025 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Catfish, Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Apiculture: Honey Bee Health, Goats and Sheep, Poultry, Small Animals, Specialty Crop Production, Forestry

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Growers in south Mississippi recently shared their research and programming needs with Mississippi State University’s agricultural specialists, and producers in the state’s central and northern areas will soon have their turn.

The MSU Extension Service and Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station will host Producer Advisory Council meetings at three of their research and Extension centers across the state.

A photo illustration shows a closeup of a broiler’s head, a stand of pine trees, and a closeup of soybean pods on the stalk.
December 20, 2024 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Poultry, Forestry

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Mississippi’s agriculture industry remains vibrant with an overall production value estimated at $9 billion, despite a drop in row crop prices.

Close-up of a broiler chicken
December 20, 2024 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Poultry

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- 2024 marks the 30th consecutive year for poultry to outperform every other agricultural commodity in Mississippi, and for the second time in three years, its farm gate value fell just shy of $4 billion.

“We have seen a ramp-up in both broiler and table egg production in 2024 compared to production rates seen in 2023,” said Jonathan Moon, poultry specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service. “This increase in meat and egg production directly impacts the value of the state’s commercial poultry industry.”

Hand pours milk from a glass bottle into a cup
December 9, 2024 - Filed Under: Animal Health, Dairy, Poultry, Avian Flu, Food and Health, Food Safety

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- A federal raw milk testing mandate has been issued to address bird flu outbreaks in U.S. dairy herds.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, or APHIS, declared the federal order Dec. 6 in response to more than 700 herds in 16 states having tested positive for H5N1. The agency billed the announcement as the start of its National Milk Testing Strategy program.

White chickens.
September 27, 2024 - Filed Under: Poultry

Did you know there is a difference in broilers and layers? Broilers and layers both serve important roles in the poultry industry, but their roles are very different.

Two black chickens in a garden.
July 19, 2024 - Filed Under: Poultry

Scratch, peck, dirt bath. Repeat.

If you know what this phrase refers to, you probably own backyard chickens. 

Dairy cows look directly at the photo lens.
April 4, 2024 - Filed Under: Dairy, Poultry, Avian Flu

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- The transmission risk of H5N1 bird flu to humans remains minimal despite a rise in confirmed cases in dairy cows and poultry in several states and the first known case of a person catching the virus from a mammal.

January 29, 2024 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Commercial Horticulture, Apiculture: Honey Bee Health, Poultry, Forestry, Marine Resources

BILOXI, Miss. -- Many cattle producers in Mississippi like Bobby Jones do not have access to a dedicated large-animal veterinarian.

This was one of the many needs voiced during the 2024 Producer Advisory Council meeting on Jan. 25 at the Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Center in Biloxi. The annual meeting serves as a forum for agricultural producers to discuss their needs with university administrators, researchers, specialists and Extension agents.

Four chicks are pictured together.
December 19, 2023 - Filed Under: Agricultural Economics, Poultry

Mississippi’s poultry took an estimated 23% loss in value in 2023; though production was strong, a failure to meet the previous year’s record high prices was responsible for the hit. Poultry generated an estimated $3.1 billion to Mississippi agriculture in 2023, down from the $3.9 billion generated in 2022.

White eggs are pictured in a carton with chickens in the background.
April 25, 2023 - Filed Under: Poultry

Poultry is big business in Mississippi, and poultry producers are having to manage disease and high feed costs to produce the meat and eggs that Americans consume in great quantities. Poultry is the most consumed meat in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, followed by beef and then pork. Eggs are also popular, with Americans eating close to 250 eggs per person each year.

Chickens feed inside of a pullet barn.
March 1, 2023 - Filed Under: Poultry, Avian Flu

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- The Mississippi Board of Animal Health reported Feb. 23 that a backyard poultry flock in Copiah County tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza, often referred to as HPAI or H5N1.

This is the second backyard flock to test positive for HPAI. The first confirmation was in Lowndes County in November 2022. There have also been two detections in commercial broiler flocks, one in Lawrence County in November 2022 and the other in Leake County in February. All affected facilities were quarantined, and the birds were depopulated to prevent spreading.

White eggs fill a metal bowl on a countertop.
February 23, 2023 - Filed Under: Poultry

Shoppers facing sticker shock at the grocery store know that eggs are part of the cost increase, but they may not know why.

Josh Maples, an agricultural economist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said egg prices over the Christmas holiday were more than double what they were at the same time in 2021.

Chicken drinks water droplets from a nipple waterer.
December 20, 2022 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Poultry

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Poultry was already Mississippi’s top agricultural commodity before its overall value increased even more in 2022.

The estimated value of production for the state’s poultry in 2022 was $3.8 billion. This 48% increase over 2021’s record production value of $2.6 billion will rewrite the record books if these totals hold when the final numbers are released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture next April.

White chickens
November 8, 2022 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Animal Health, Poultry, Avian Flu, Food and Health, Food Safety, Produce Safety

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- The Mississippi Board of Animal Health is asking backyard bird owners to be vigilant in their biosecurity procedures after a commercial breeder chicken flock in Lawrence County tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI.

October 10, 2022 - Filed Under: Agricultural Economics, Poultry, Natural Resources

Mississippi State University is the lead partner on a $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to conduct climate-smart projects. Beth Baker, an Extension specialist in natural resource conservation in agroecosystems, is the lead investigator on the grant project announced Sept. 14

Adult black fly
June 2, 2022 - Filed Under: Poultry, Insects-Human Pests, Insects

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Increasing buffalo gnat populations are more than a nuisance to central and south Mississippians; they cause measurable, sometimes fatal harm to chickens and livestock.

Swarms of these insects, also known as black flies, are killing backyard chickens and causing headaches for small-scale poultry producers in central and south Mississippi. At about 3 millimeters long, buffalo gnats breed in flowing water, so outbreaks tend to be in areas near rivers or streams.

Chickens feed inside a fenced enclosure.
April 20, 2022 - Filed Under: Youth Poultry, Poultry

Farm supply stores are full of cute chicks in the spring, and the sight of the fluffy baby birds, combined with future dreams of fresh eggs, prompts many people to impulsively start a backyard flock.

White chickens gather at a feeder.
April 18, 2022 - Filed Under: Youth Poultry, Poultry

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Keeping buffalo wings on menus is a supply chain issue that goes all the way back to procedures farm workers follow to protect the health of commercially grown chickens.

April 14, 2022 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Commercial Horticulture, Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Other Vegetables, Livestock, Beef, Beekeeping, Goats and Sheep, Poultry, Forestry, Marine Resources

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Agricultural producers and industry professionals met with Mississippi State University personnel in the coastal region to discuss research and education priorities at the 2022 Producer Advisory Council meeting. The annual event aims to help clients improve their productivity. Attendees gathered in small commodity groups at each event to share their ideas with agents, researchers and specialists with the MSU Extension Service and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.

March 21, 2022 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Beef, Poultry

RALEIGH, Miss. – Beef and poultry producers across Mississippi will have an opportunity to get up to speed on the latest issues facing their industries and see new products and equipment on April 14.