Small fruit crops have good potential in state
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Fruit production requires considerable effort, and some fruits require much more care than others -- facts specialists with the Mississippi State University Extension Service keep in mind as they provide research and information support to the industry.
MSU has ongoing blueberry research at the South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station in Poplarville and the Beaumont Horticultural Unit, and muscadine research at Beaumont and the McNeill Research Unit. MSU also has trials and research on blackberries, wine grapes, elderberries, passion fruit and strawberries.
While the exact number of fruit crop acreage is hard to accurately quantify, Mississippi has an estimated 800 acres of blueberries, 300 acres of blackberries, 300 acres of muscadines and 100 acres of strawberries.
While blueberry crops have suffered in recent years from late cold snaps or excessive spring rain, this year’s blueberry crop is faring better to date. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated on March 23, 2025, that 67% of the state’s blueberry crop was in good condition and 4% was in excellent condition. Of the remainder, 26% was fair while just 3% was rated as poor.
Eric Stafne, Extension fruit and nut specialist stationed at the South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station, said the state’s climate is well-suited for fruit production, thanks in part to the long growing season.
“With proper site selection and choice of fruit varieties, Mississippi growers can have fresh fruit available throughout the growing season,” Stafne said. “Select deep, well-drained soil with good fertility.”
A fertile, sandy loam or sandy clay loam is suitable for most fruit crops, and adequate drainage is the most important soil characteristic.
“Proper fertilizer applications and other cultural practices can improve poor soils, but improving soil with poor internal drainage is difficult and expensive,” he said.
To find out how well soil drains, dig a posthole 8 inches in diameter and 2.5 feet deep and fill it with water. If the hole drains in 24 hours, the soil has excellent drainage and is suitable for all fruit crops.
If it takes 36 hours to drain the hole, that soil is adequate for more tolerant crops but only a few fruit species can tolerate these conditions. If the hole hasn’t drained in 48 hours, the soil is unsuitable for fruit production.
“In this case, crops could be planted on raised beds or in containers,” Stafne said. “In areas with less than ideally drained soils, hillside plantings improve surface drainage.”
Air movement and sunlight are also important considerations when selecting fruit-growing sites. Cold air moves downhill, so fruit buds and flowers on plants growing in low spots are more likely to be killed by cold weather than those on a slope.
“Avoid frost pockets, low wet spots and locations exposed to strong prevailing winds,” Stafne said. “South-facing slopes encourage early bud development but can sometimes make plants more susceptible to frost damage. Late-maturing varieties perform better in this situation.”
Fruit grows best when it receives full sunlight, so avoid shaded areas. This is vitally important for fruit production.
“Most fruiting plant buds require 30% sunlight or more to produce high-quality fruit,” he said. “Although the plant’s exterior may receive full sun, sunlight can be reduced in half just 12 inches inside the canopy.”
The amount of sunlight that reaches deeper into the plant’s canopy may be reduced by nearly 75%, which is below the level needed for successful fruit production. Partially shaded plants may also have increased disease problems.
For anyone looking to get into fruit production, good choices are those varieties that bear fruit consistently and are known to produce well in most areas. Although small fruit plants can be grown in containers and then planted into orchards as they mature, fruiting plants grow more vigorously and bear better if they have adequate space to develop their root systems.
“Develop a plan well in advance of the planting season, determining the kinds of fruits, varieties and quantities of each that you want to grow,” he said. “Locate a source of plants and arrange for them to be available when you are ready to plant them.”
Make the decision on what to grow based on the region’s climate. There are significant climate differences across Mississippi, so select only those plants that are known to grow successfully in the area.
“Also note that different crops require different levels of management, so make sure you can supply the labor needed for the type and number of plants in your orchard,” Stafne said. “Some fruits require intensive management.”
After evaluating a planting site, select fruit varieties adapted to the area.
Jeff Wilson, Extension horticulture specialist, said MSU provides support to the state’s fruit crop industry.
“The state’s fruit industry is predominately located in the southeastern part of the state and served by Dr. Eric Stafne in Poplarville, but Extension has agents along with Dr. Rebecca Melanson at the Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center in Raymond who has statewide responsibilities for plant pathology for fruit crops,” Wilson said. “Each of us works with clients across the state on a variety of fruit issues when requested.”
There are many MSU Extension publications online that offer specific recommendations and information about fruit growing. Find “Basics of Growing Small Fruit Crops in Mississippi” at .