Information Possibly Outdated
The information presented on this page was originally released on February 2, 2012. It may not be outdated, but please search our site for more current information. If you plan to quote or reference this information in a publication, please check with the Extension specialist or author before proceeding.
Ag program targets women in southwest Mississippi
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Recognizing that women are vital to the success of the family farm, Mississippi State University’s Extension Service is organizing a series of six workshops to improve the skills they need.
“Mississippi Women for Agriculture: Annie’s Project” is a national program designed for women of all ages who are interested in agriculture or related matters.
Two of the six workshops will be combined in the kickoff sessions from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Feb. 25. Subsequent sessions will take place on Feb. 28, March 6, March 13 and March 20. All sessions will be held in Brookhaven.
Space is limited, so women interested in the sessions should register as soon as possible by contacting their local Extension office or by e-mailing Sandra Berryhill at There is a $20 fee for the entire workshop.
Session topics include women and money; interpersonal skills; developing a vision, mission and goals; developing a business plan; interpreting financial statements; computer record keeping; insurance; marketing; and farm succession and estate planning.
Annie’s Project target counties and the Extension office phone numbers are Adams, (601) 445-8201; Amite, (601) 657-8937; Copiah, (601) 892-1809; Franklin, (601) 384-2349; Lawrence, (601) 587-2271; Lincoln, (601) 835-3460; Pike, (601) 783-5321; Walthall, (601) 876-4021; and Wilkinson, (601) 888-3512.