Yalobusha County Newsletter
Yalobusha Loop April 2025
Yalobusha Cattlemen’s Association Meeting is on TUESDAY, April 29, at 6:30. The topic for the night’s program will be “Exactly What Are Buyers Looking For”. BankFirst will be our sponsor. Please call the Extension Office at 662-675-2730 by noon on Monday, April 28.
United Y.C. MHV
Tuesday, April 15th Time: 9 a.m. Purpose: Business Meeting
North Central MHV Spring Area Meeting
Date: Tuesday, April 8th, 2025 Time: Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Location: Calhoun County Extension Office Each county is asked to bring a brunch item and 2 door prizes
MHV State Council
Dates: Tuesday, May 20- Thursday, May 22, 2025 Location: Central MS Regional Extension Center and McKenzie Building in Raymond, MS (new location this year due to Bost Building at MSU being renovated) Lodging: Eagle Ridge Conference Center Registration Opens: March 31st Registration Deadline: April 25th Cultural Arts Deadline is May 9th to Panola county A conference agenda will be available soon.
The Crochet Group will meet at the Extension Office this month from 10 a.m. until noon. You will need to bring the yarn of your choice and a crochet hook. This is a great opportunity for beginners to learn how to crochet, as well as a good time for more experienced people to get ideas for new projects or finish existing projects. This club is open to the public. We hope you will join us April Dates: Thursday, 3rd Thursday, 24th
Create MHV Club
Date: Wednesday, April 9th Time: 10 a.m. until noon Location: Extension Office located inside Multi-Purpose Building Program: Gourd Bird House Program leader – Jo Davis All supplies will be provided for one birdhouse for $4.00. Please Call the Extension office to reserve your spot by Monday, April 7th.
Sewing for Service
The Sewing for Service Group will meet at 9 a.m. until noon on April 7th and 21st at the Yalobusha County Extension Service located inside the Multi-Purpose Building in Coffeeville. We are making baby bibs to go in “Mommy to Be” bags for the Pregnancy center of Oxford and we are working on pillow cases for Blair Batson’s Children hospital. This club is free and open to the public. We need participants to help cut out patterns, iron, sew, and serge.
Healthy You Exercise
April Chair Exercise Class Every Wednesday @ the MSU Extension office 9 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. The Stronger Seniors workout program which is designed to help seniors develop strength and enhance the ability to function in daily life. Bring a I-2 pound weight. Wear cool comfortable clothes and bring water to drink. This activity is free and open to the public.
Indoor Walking Meets every Friday in March at 9am at the Extension office. Wear Comfortable clothes, good tennis shoes and bring water to drink. This activity is free and open to the public.
May FCS After 5
Date: Tuesday, May 13 Time: 6-8 p.m. Cost: $35 per person (includes container, floral snips, flowers, instruction, and dinner). Presenter: Kris McKey from MoonBee Flower Farm in Water Valley Registration deadline: Tuesday, May 6th Space is limited. Registration begins April 1st you can register online at this link, https://reg.extension.msstate.edu/ or at Extension office. If paying at the Extension office, please pay with check made out to MSU Extension. Must register and pay to be considered signed up for the class.
ServSafe Online Exam
March 28, 2025 Two spots available : 9am and 2pm Contact the Extension office to schedule exam time. DEADLINE: March 10, 2025 Online pricing: Book with proctor fee and seat code $114 (must order via https://www.fsnhp.msstate.edu/workshops/servsafe/registration.php
ServSafe Class:
Date: June 26, 2025 Time: 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Cost: $150 Location: Yalobusha County Extension Office Deadline to Register: Tuesday, May 22nd Call Pamela Redwine at the Extension Office at 662-675-2730 for additional details and to register. When calling to sign up, please inform the office of any disabilities that might interfere with your opportunity to participate in this program. The MSU Extension provides educational opportunities to the public on an equal opportunity basis and will make every reasonable effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities.
4-H Cooking Kits
What: Monthly Cooking Kits Cost: $12 per month Kit Contains: A recipe, all of the ingredients you will need to complete recipe, a kitchen tool, educational information about the featured food and an activity evaluation. Registration deadline: Friday, April 11 Pickup date: Wednesday, April 16th or Thursday, April 17th (notice date change due to being closed on Friday, April 18th for Easter Holidays). Participants are asked to send Mrs. Pamela a picture of child cooking the recipe and the completed evaluation by Friday, April 25th Youth ages 5-18 (younger children can participate but may need more adult supervision).
4-H Homeschool Club
If you are a homeschool family, we would love to have you join us. We meet twice a month and enjoy learning about a variety of topics. The meetings are held at the Yalobusha County Extension office from 1:30-3:30 p.m. We are continuing our “Becoming a Puppeteer” Series. April Meetings: Monday, April 14 – Bring your completed Rod Puppet. We will create your puppet’s characteristics and we will practice using our puppets. Monday, April 28 – We will begin planning our summer puppet shows!
4-H Shooting Sports
The Yalobusha 4-H County Competition will be held on Saturday, April 5, at 9:00. It will be held at the Shooting Range in Coffeeville. The Northwest District 4-H Shooting Sports Competition will be held on Saturday, May 3, at the Fairgrounds in Charleston. Time to be announced later. The Junior 4-H State Competition will be held at the Fairgrounds in Charleston on June 14. The State 4-H Shooting Sports Championships will be held in the Jackson area July 18-19.
4-H Peeps Diorama Contest
ENTER OUR 3rd ANNUAL PEEPS DIORAMA CONTEST. To enter please email p.redwine@msstate.edu or call 662.675.2730 Prizes Will BE AWARDED for 4 Categories-Peeples Choice, Judge’s Choice (local famous artist), Best Use of Peeps and Best Title DEADLINE to enter is April 14th. OPEN TO AGES 5-18 Dioramas MUST have a book theme and contain more than 1 Peep. Drop off is at The Extension Office Dioramas will be on display for voting April 14th –18th at the Coffeeville Public Library. Pick up dioramas from the Library 21st-23rd. Peeps must be picked up by April 23rd or they will be repurposed.
18025 Hwy 7
Coffeeville, Mississippi 38922
662-675-2730 phone
662-675-2599 fax