Why don't tomatoes produce fruit in late summer?
Tomato flowers self pollinate. When temperature exceed 90º F, the pollen has difficulty in fertilizing the ovule and no fruit results. The fertilization process is also sensitive to night temperatures. When night temperatures do not fall below 70º F, the fertilization process is inhibited. Mississippi temperatures in July often are above these levels. To have tomatoes set during these times, use a heat tolerant variety bred to set fruit under warm temperatures.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- Commercial vegetable growers have a new mobile-based resource to help them manage pests and diseases in their crops. The MyIPM for Vegetables app is the latest in the MyIPM app series. MyIPM for Vegetables currently offers resources for tomatoes and cucurbits, which includes cucumbers, pumpkins, squash and watermelons.
There’s nothing as divine as a homegrown tomato. I’m a sucker for a tomato sandwich or a BLT during summer.
Tomatoes are a popular crop for home gardeners, but they can be tricky to grow. Insects, disorders, and diseases can all cause problems with tomatoes.