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What variety, or varieties, should I plant?

Several varieties are available that are capable of producing high yields. I would plant the bulk of my acreage in a proven performer on your farm. Plant a small acreage of any new varieties that may have preformed well in your area. Avoid planting high percentages of your acreage in unproven varieties.

Select varieties with value added transgenic traits carefully. Be sure you need the specific gene pack age and be sure the gene package is in a variety that is adapted to your farm.

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A cluster of small plants have green leaves on reddish stems.
Filed Under: Cotton June 11, 2024

Cotton planting has all but drawn to a close in Mississippi for the year, with the state seeing an increase to an expected 500,000 acres in 2024. The U.S. Department of Agriculture made that acreage estimate and said the crop was 94% planted by June 9, 2024. Of that acreage, 80% was either in good or excellent condition, with 19% in fair and just 1% in poor condition.

2024 planting intentions figures for Mississippi
Filed Under: Agriculture, Corn, Cotton, Soybeans April 2, 2024

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Market corn prices are more than $2 lower per bushel than a year ago, so row crop producers in Mississippi are planning to plant less corn and more cotton in 2024.

A three-panel photo illustration showing soybeans in the first panel, a chicken in the middle one and trees in the right panel.
Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Corn, Cotton, Soybeans December 19, 2023

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Mississippi agriculture’s value of production fell 10.3% in 2023, but still posted its second highest result on record at $8.8 billion.

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Portrait of Dr. Brian K. Pieralisi
Assistant Professor