Sulphur Deficiency
Occasionally nitrogen deficiency may be confused with sulphur deficiency. Sulphur deficiency symptoms will be very similar to nitrogen deficiency symptoms in appearance except they occur on the plant. Sulphur is a somewhat immobile nutrient in the plant and thus the deficiency symptoms develop in the young leaves and organs first, generally in or near the top of the plant. Remember, nitrogen deficiency shows up on older tissue first, then moves up the plant. Sulphur deficiency is similar in appearance but shows up on the younger tissue first. Sulphur deficiency should be suspected when nitrogen deficiency symptoms develop in or near the top of plants growing in low organic matter soils or in areas recently land-formed. Soil testing and sound soil fertility is the proper sulfur management routine.
STONEVILLE, Miss. -- After harvest each year, university research and Extension entomologists from across the Cotton Belt states collect and submit data regarding cotton crop losses from insects.