Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatum)
Plant Characteristics: Perennial bunchgrass with short rhizomes and a tall ligule. Leaf has sparse hairs at the base and rough edges. Seed head has drooping spikes.
Establishment: Well adapted to central and southern part of the state. It has a very low seed germination which causes a slow establishment. Planting usually occurs in March or April by broadcasting seed at a rate of 10 to 15 lb/ac at a 1/4-inch depth. Sugar borer can affect yields.
Fertilization: Dallisgrass is well adapted to clay and loamy soils. It is very responsive to nitrogen applications.
Grazing/Hay Management: The primary forage utilization is pasture, but can be harvested for hay. Forage production occurs from April to October with yields ranging from 2.5 to 6 tons/ac. Ergot could be a problem in seed heads. It is recommended not to graze at seed head or to clip to eliminate the seed head. Dallisgrass does well in a mixture with white or red clover.
Forage Quality: Higher nutritional value than bermudagrass.
Varieties/Cultivars: n/a.