What To Do in Your Garden in June

Summer annuals, such as marigolds, can be planted this month. Photo by Michaela Parker.
I love riding around town looking at everyone’s front yard landscapes. I know how much work goes into making it look top-notch! A lot has been done, but there’s plenty more to do in your yard and garden.
- Plant crape myrtles in bloom to be sure of their color.
- Replace turf in deep shade with ground cover, such as liriope, ajuga, or jasmine.
- Set out caladiums in shady areas.
- Plant summer annuals ageratum, cockscomb, impatiens, marigolds, sunflowers, four-o’clocks, and periwinkle.
- Plant tomatoes late this month to ensure harvest late into fall. Cherry tomatoes are heat-tolerant.
- Choose daylilies now that they are in bloom.
- Divide and replant irises. Cut leaves back to 6 inches after transplanting.
- Plant zinnias and marigolds now for a second crop of flowers.
- Plant snap beans, lima beans, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, squash, and tomatoes.
- Gladiolus planted now will give lovely fall blooms.
- Fertilize camellias with azalea-camellia fertilizer if not done earlier in the year.
- Fertilize Bermuda and zoysia grass. Fertilize tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchinis monthly with 5-10-10.
- Fertilize annuals and perennials.
Pest Control
- Mow lawn in the morning to reduce the chance of brown spot (fungus).
- Remove zinnias with powdery mildew and replant.
- Prune oleanders after blooming ends. Pinch dahlias and mums to ensure a compact growth habit.
- Remove blackberry fruiting canes after harvest. Prune new canes to encourage side branching.
- Remove faded flowers from daisies, daylilies, and other summer flowers.
- Prune out dead and damaged wood from trees and shrubs.
In Bloom
- Ageratum, althea, balloon flower, bee balm, begonia, blackberry lily, butterfly weed, coreopsis, cornflower, feverfew, hosta, gladiolus, hollyhock, Japanese iris, lily, nicotiana, petunia, phlox, rose scabiosa, shasta daisy, sweet pea, verbena, butterfly bush, golden-rain tree, hypericum, mimosa, stewartia, sourwood, vitex, yucca, jasmine, crape myrtle, daylily, geranium, hibiscus, hydrangea, impatiens, lantana, morning glory, oleander, plumbago, portulaca, purslane, salvia, veronica, dusty miller, four o’clock, and zinnia.
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Happy gardening!
Posted on: May 21, 2019
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