What Can Extension Do For You?

Extension agents and specialists provide training and support to a wide variety of clientele, including childcare providers, pest control professionals, loggers, tourism professionals, farmers, home gardeners, and more. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Kevin Hudson)
If you have a garden or want to plant a garden, you may have visited our Extension website or your local Extension office.
Even if you don’t have children or grandchildren, you probably, at least, have heard about the 4-H youth development program. It’s one of the most recognizable components of the vast array of Extension’s programs.
But you may not know that Extension offers so much more. Extension agents and specialists provide training and support to childcare providers, pest control professionals, loggers, tourism professionals, and more. We also partner with other organizations to offer a variety of programs, including ServSafe certification and professional development for teachers. We are even written into the Mississipipi Emergency Management Agency's comprehensive emergncy manangement plan. Our agents and specialists help with recovery efforrs and information gathering after tornados, hurricanes, floods, and other disasters.
We also offer educational programs, training activities, information, and technical assistance to cities, communities, and counties in the state. For example, our experts provide training to tax collectors and assessors and municipal clerks.
If you would like more information or training on a topic, chances are Extension has what you need. If not, our agents and specialists can help you find the appropriate resources to address your questions or needs.
For more information about how we can help you, visit our website or your local Extension office.
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