Tips for Saving Food and Money

Nobody likes the idea of wasting food or money! (Photo by Adobe Stock)
I’m sure you’ve heard “food tossed is money lost.” That’s so true, especially given the cost of food right now! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to throw away food that spoiled. It’s more times than I’d like to admit. Even though I had every intention of cooking or eating what I had, I just chose not to. That’s money down the drain.
The best way to save money and not waste food is to eat what you have. It’s such a simple thing to say, but a lot harder to do. I’ve been trying to be more conscious of eating the food I buy from the grocery store. In moments where I’m tempted to pick up from my favorite restaurant, I have to remind myself I have food at home.
To help you stretch your dollar and prevent food waste, here are a few tips to keep in mind:
- Build meals around what you already have. Look in your pantry and refrigerator to plan meals based on what you have. I recently took inventory of the meat I had in my freezer so I can build meals around them. The list is in the Notes app on my phone. Each time I use one of the items, I check it off my list. It helps me to avoid buying more.
- Freeze leftovers or unused food. I’ve learned that by freezing leftovers, I don’t have to cook. I already have an easy meal! You can also freeze items like fruit, bread, and meat before they go bad. If you have something that’s about to spoil, cook it before freezing. Remember to keep a list of items you’ve stored in your freezer so you know what you have!
- Take food out of your drawers and place them on the refrigerator shelving. If I place produce in drawers, I’m likely to forget about them. You can cut up fruits and veggies, put them in containers, and place them on the shelves. If you can see them, you’re more likely to eat them!
Nobody likes the idea of wasting food or money. By using these three tips, you’ll cut down on both food waste and the amount of money you’re spending at the grocery store. It’s a win-win!
If you want even more advice, our neighbors at Alabama Extension have 135 different ways to save food dollars!
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