From the Field: Growing Your Own Food
I have a confession to make: I have garden envy.
This week I took a walk and stumbled upon this delicious looking plant.
![Close-up image of light green colored mustard plant.](/sites/default/files/photo1_closeupplantcropped.jpg)
You’d think it was growing in someone’s carefully tended backyard garden or salad table.
But it’s not. It’s part of the grounds near the MSU Landscape Architecture Building, and is part of a class on learning how to grow your own food.
![Cabbages, kale, and mustard greens grow in a landscape bed on the MSU campus.](/sites/default/files/photo2_landscapebedcropped.jpg)
Isn’t that cool?! But wait, there’s more.
Around back, an awe-inspiring assortment of plants are thriving in the warm November sun in the MSU Community Garden.
![Cabbages, kale, and mustard greens grow in a landscape bed on the MSU campus.](/sites/default/files/photo3_signwallcropped.jpg)
![Wide shot shows MSU Community Garden with several raised garden beds planted with winter vegetables and lettuces.](/sites/default/files/photo4_gardenoverallcropped.jpg)
I got a little giddy when I found this squash. (For the record, I did not pick it!)
![Yellow summer squash growing on plant.](/sites/default/files/photo5_squashcropped.jpg)
I even found a bee happily gathering nectar from a basil plant that has gone to seed.
![A honey bee forages on basil blooms.](/sites/default/files/photo6_beecropped.jpg)
Just when I was feeling overwhelmed with jealousy and wished I had the time, knowledge, and money to grow my own food, I saw a tiny reminder that starting with just one plant in one inexpensive or recycled container is a step in the right direction.
![: A concrete block painted turquoise and purple serves as a planter for onions.](/sites/default/files/photo7_blockplantercropped.jpg)
Growing my own food is possible, and Extension can help me do it. Now is the best time to start planning for 2018!
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