Ideas to Help Avoid Stress Eating
The current COVID-19 pandemic may have you feeling more stressed than usual. With the amount of time spent at home, all of the food in your kitchen is at your fingertips at any time of the day.
It’s second nature to turn to food when feeling stressed, bored, or tired. Resist the temptation! Using food as a way to cope with stress is not the wisest choice. Eating is meant to provide energy to fuel our bodies to perform daily functions, not boost our mood.
When you have an instant urge to eat, whether from stress, boredom, or the need for a quick energy fix, try one of these activities before going straight to the fridge.
- Drink a glass of water. Your body may be telling you that you are thirsty rather than hungry. Try to drink the recommended eight, 8-ounce glasses of water each day!
- Go on a walk. This is a great way to get your mind off the idea of food and give you a good break from your work and schooling. You can also try any of these great indoor exercise ideas as well!
- Call a friend or family member. If you are bored or lonely, this may be a good way to talk about your feelings instead of self-medicating by eating junk food.
- Find a fun activity to do. If you are feeling bored, there are a large variety of activities you can fill your time with! Read a good book. Listen to a podcast. Play a board game. Put together a puzzle. The possibilities are endless!
You can also add a note to your fridge to remind yourself to fight the urge of stress eating. You can do this!
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