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Publication Numbersort ascending Title Filed Under Date
P3948 Common Beneficial Arthropods Found in Field Crops Crops, Insects-Crop Pests 11-03-23
P3947 The 6 C’s of Positive Youth Development: Praise Today, Contribute Tomorrow 4-H 11-20-23
P3946 2023 MSU Corn Hybrid Suggestions Agriculture, Crops, Corn 10-16-23
P3943 2022 MSU Wheat Variety Suggestions Agriculture, Crops, Wheat, Farming 09-29-23
P3942 2022 Extension Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Results Agriculture, Crops, Corn, Farming 09-29-23
P3941 2023 MSU Grain Sorghum Hybrid Suggestions Agriculture, Crops, Farming 09-29-23
P3940 High Varroa Mite Loads in Nucleus Colonies (Nucs) of Honey Bees Livestock, Insects 11-21-23
P3939 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Grapes Nutrition 09-19-23
P3938 Mississippi Certified Waterworks Operator Age and Tenure Report (2023) Community, Economic Development, Water 12-04-23
P3937 The 6 C’s of Positive Youth Development: Caring Means That You Matter 4-H 10-24-23
P3936 Best Management Practices for Effective Pigweed Control Crops, Weed Control for Crops 09-01-23
P3935 Estimating Corn Yield before Harvest Corn 08-21-23
P3934 4-H Poultry Chain Project Record Book 4-H, Youth Poultry 02-15-24
P3933 The 6 C's of Positive Youth Development: Confidence Drives Success 4-H 10-26-23
P3932 Understanding the Meaning of Zero Waste Health and Wellness, Production Phases and Systems, Waste Management 10-16-23
P3931 The 6 C’s of Positive Youth Development: Character for the Team Win 4-H 10-25-23
P3930 Adding RIGOR to On-Farm Trials: Simple steps to data-driven decision making Farming, Mississippi Land Stewards 11-15-24
P3929 Mineral Requirements and Impact on Dairy and Meat Goat Production Goats and Sheep 09-08-23
P3928 The 6 C’s of Positive Youth Development: Tips for Teenager Connection 4-H 09-21-23
P3927 Understanding Buck Movement: How, When, and Why Bucks Navigate the Landscape Natural Resources 04-09-24
