August Garden Checklist

After a relatively mild summer, heat and humidity have arrived in full force in Mississippi. Going outside during the afternoon is miserable these days! If you’re like me, I try to get all my outdoor activities wrapped up in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the heat. Be sure you can recognize the signs of heat-related illness, and remember to drink plenty of water anytime you’re outside! Hydration is important!
Here’s a few things to accomplish in your garden and around your yard this month:
- Daylilies are an easy and gorgeous plant to have in your yard. Plant them now to ensure a beautiful spring bloom. Learn more about Mississippi perennials here.
- Rose bushes are a treat to have in your landscape! To encourage fall growth, prune rose canes to 24-30 inches from the ground. If you’re a rose lover, the rose section of our website will provide a plethora of information on how to grow and care for them!
- Treat any plants showing signs of chlorosis with chelated iron. As you’re inspecting your plants for disease and pests, you might run across leaves on trees or shrubs that have turned yellow, except for its veins. The yellowing of leaves is known as chlorosis and is a sign the plant is lacking certain micronutrients. To help combat this issue, treat any plants with chelated iron.
- Everyone loves fall mums! If you plan on planting mums for a fall bloom, plant them sometime this month to ensure you have blooms in September. You will also need to feed them with a complete fertilizer every two weeks and water thoroughly to keep them healthy.
- There is no chore more dreaded than mowing the lawn, but it’s an important one to stay on top of! Continue to mow your lawn weekly if you’re getting rain. Remember to leave the clippings on the lawn to provide extra nutrients to your turf. If you’d like more information on how to have a spiffy looking lawn, Extension Publication 1322, “Establish and Manage Your Home Lawn,” can help.
- Make sure your plants stay well-watered during this hot weather. The summer sun can damage your plants and garden if not watered enough! Give your plants a good watering each day. Extension specialists recommend watering your garden deeply but infrequently in August.
Another task to consider is dividing and transplanting Louisiana irises, Easter lilies, cannas, liriope, ajuga, and Shasta daisies. This can be done anytime during the fall, winter, and early spring. Don’t know how to divide these perennials? Check out this quick demo from MSU Extension Horticultural Specialist Dr. Jeff Wilson!
If you’re an avid gardener, consider becoming a Master Gardener! Reach out to your Extension agent for more details and information!
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