September Landscape Checklist

Remember to water your fall mums at the base of the plant! (Photo from Canva Pro)
September is one of my favorite months. The scorching hot temps will soon turn into nice cool weather, and the leaves will start to change colors. I can feel fall slowly, but surely, making its grand appearance. If you’re like me, I’m ready for some fall weather!
Here are a few things you can do in your landscape to prep for the upcoming fall and winter months:
- If you haven’t already ordered daffodil and other spring bulbs, order them this month! You’ll want to plant bulbs in October for spring blooms.
- For a great lawn, there are a few things you need to do to prepare for the coming months. Apply a preemergence herbicide for winter weed prevention in your lawn Speaking of weeds, now is the time to prevent springtime lawn burweed, also known as stickers. If you want to plant rye grass, now would be a good time to it. Caring for your lawn is quite a chore, so be sure to read Publication 1322, “Establish and Manage Your Home Lawn,” to keep your lawn looking great year-round!
- Looking for annuals to plant to keep your landscape looking beautiful, even as colder temps arrive? Hardy annuals like sweet alyssum, calendulas, annual pinks, snapdragons, and sweet peas are all great options to plant! The plants can handle cold temps, making them the perfect addition to your landscape.
- Nothing says fall quite like colorful mums! They’re a great seasonal plant for your landscape and front porch. If you’ve ever had mums, you know they require some attention. Fertilize your mums with a complete fertilizer every two weeks, stopping once blooms appear. Mums also need to be thoroughly watered at the base of the plant. Learn how to care for mums in this blog post.
- Dried flower arrangements make for perfect fall decor! While there are many flowers still in bloom, head outdoors and pick a few to dry for arrangements. They’d look perfect in tiny glass vases! If you want to make a pressed floral design, you can learn how in this Extension Publication!
Remember to continue to keep an eye out for pests and diseases in your landscape, especially while the temperatures are still hot.
If you ever have questions with any of your lawn and garden projects, your Extension agent is a resource you can trust! They can give you research-based information to help you become successful in your gardening and landscape endeavors!
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