Fall Decor Ideas from MSU Extension Agents

Can we all take a moment to appreciate our county Extension agents? Llike everyone else, the way they did their job turned upside down due to COVID-19. They went from hosting events in their respective counties to using social media to share information and ideas with the public.
Many Extension agents are starting to post ideas for fall projects. I don’t know about you, but I can’t get enough pumpkin posts in my social media feed! Whether you use a real pumpkin or one from different craft materials, you’re sure to find an easy DIY project that adds some fun fall flair to your life!
- Mary Katherine Moore, Extension Agent in Lee County , posted a DIY project on how to create a pumpkin out of a drier vent. I know what you’re thinking right now. A dryer vent? Yes, a dryer vent. They perfectly form the shape of a pumpkin when wrapped into a circle. You can keep it silver or spray paint it orange. Check out Mary Katherine’s demo on the Lee County Extension Facebook Page.
- If you’re looking for a fall floral arrangement, look no further! Ensley Howell, Family and Consumer Science agent in Pontotoc County, shared how to arrange a pumpkin and flowers picked up at the grocery store. You can also find greenery in your back yard to add to the arrangement! You can watch Ensley Howell’s video on the Pontotoc County Extension Facebook Page.
- If you’re anything like me, I struggle with coming up with decorations for my front porch. I look on Pinterest and see these gorgeous ideas and think “how do I do something similar to that?” I often place a pumpkin or two on my porch and call it done. Emily Carter, an Extension agent for Sharkey and Issaquena counties, shared an idea to pair local pumpkins with magnolia leaves for a timeless fall look. You can see more pictures in her post on the Sharkey/Issaquena Facebook Page.
If you aren’t already connected to your local Extension office on social media, be sure to give them a follow. Your local agents are posting information and ideas that you’re sure to find helpful! Follow our main Extension account on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more resources.
Happy fall, y’all!
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