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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort descending
P3737 2022 Projected Rice Returns Summary Agricultural Economics, Crops, Rice 02-02-22
P3714 Working the Horse Show: Scribing for the Judge Equine 02-02-22
P3739 Addressing Reproductive Injuries of Stallions Youth Horse, Agricultural Economics, Equine 02-04-22
P3271 Economic Contribution of a New Broiler House in Mississippi Agricultural Economics, Poultry 02-10-22
P2857 Growing Microgreens for the Mississippi Gardener Herb Gardens, Vegetable Gardens 02-10-22
P3287 Food Safety Certification and Market Access Agricultural Economics, Local Food System Economies, Food 02-16-22
3716‐448 Congressional District 1 Economic Development 02-18-22
3716‐449 Congressional District 2 Economic Development 02-18-22
3716‐450 Congressional District 3 Economic Development 02-18-22
3716‐451 Congressional District 4 Economic Development 02-18-22
P3720 4-H LEGO Engineering Club Volume 4: I Can with 4-H 4-H 02-28-22
P3743 The Plant Doctor: Large (Brown) Patch of Warm-Season Turfgrasses Forages, Grasses, Soil Health, Soil Testing, Lawn and Garden, Landscape Management, Plant Diseases, Lawn and Turf Diseases 02-28-22
P2936 Plant Doctor - Greenhouse Basil Downy Mildew Plant Diseases 03-09-22
P2303 Protecting Plants from Cold Temperatures Flower Gardens 03-09-22
P3736 Gladiolus Composite Flower (Glamellia) for the Professional Florist Cut Flowers and Houseplants 03-11-22
P3708 4-H STEM at the State Fair curriculum 4-H, STEM – Science Technology Engineering and Math 03-11-22
P3740 Dutch Iris (Iris x hollandica) for the Farmer Florist Cut Flowers and Houseplants 03-11-22
P2748 Southern Pine Beetle in Mississippi: An Overview Insects-Crop Pests, Pests, Forestry, Forest Pests 03-16-22
P2828 Cold Injury to Palms Landscape and Garden Design 03-17-22
M1230 Plant Diagnostic Laboratory Plant Disease and Nematode Diagnostic Services 03-17-22
