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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3377-18 DeSoto County Veterans Admin Profile Economic Development 06-13-23
P3913 Recycle Right! Know the Basics Community, Family, Environment 06-12-23
P3914 2023 Legislation Affecting Municipalities City and County Government 06-09-23
P3860 Breaking Horses not Bones: Properly Raising Young Horses to Avoid Costly Injuries Youth Horse, Farm Safety, Animal Health, Equine, Equine Assisted Therapy Programs 06-09-23
P3906 4-H Awards and Scholarships 4-H 06-07-23
P3183 Brooder Elevation Is Important When Heating Broiler Houses Poultry 06-07-23
P1196 Exploring 4-H 1 4-H, Youth Projects 06-06-23
P1197 Exploring 4-H 2 and 3 4-H, Health and Wellness, Youth Projects 06-06-23
P1874 Forest Herbicide Safety: Environmental Concerns and Proper Handling Forestry 06-05-23
P3039 Glycerin-Preserved Foliage Cut Flowers and Houseplants, Floral Design 06-05-23
P2264 4-H Club Goat Guide Youth Livestock, Goats and Sheep 06-02-23
P2596 Feeding Flood-Damaged or Sprouted Crops to Livestock Grains, Livestock 06-01-23
P2551 Identifying Sick or Injured Cattle Beef 06-01-23
P2615 Reproductive Management of Beef Cattle Herds Beef 06-01-23
IS1657 Algal Leaf Spot of Southern Magnolia Plant Disease and Nematode Diagnostic Services, Trees 06-01-23
P3074 Water: Sink to Sea Water, Mississippi Water Stewards 06-01-23
M2349 Minimizing Risk when Operating a Farmers Market Local Flavor, Farmers Markets, Coronavirus 06-01-23
P3046 Food Safety at Barbecues and Picnics Food Safety 06-01-23
P3453 Holiday Food Safety Food, Food Safety 06-01-23
P3456 Tips for Talking with Young Children about Illness Disaster Response, Children and Parenting, Family Dynamics 06-01-23
