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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3964 Nitrogen in Mississippi Soils Soils, Soil Fertility, Lawn and Garden 01-02-24
P1826 Annual and Perennial Flowers for Mississippi Gardens Flower Gardens 01-02-24
P2477 Market Lamb Project Guide: Healthcare Management Youth Livestock, Goats and Sheep 01-02-24
P2331 Control of Insect Pests In and Around the Home Lawn Insects, Insects-Home Lawns, Pests 01-02-24
P1228 4-H Forestry Project No. 2: Big Tree Contest 4-H, 4-H Forestry 01-02-24
P2620 Interpreting Forage and Feed Analysis Reports Agriculture, Farming, Livestock 12-12-23
P2959 Growing Your Brand: Developing a Marketing Plan Workbook Agricultural Economics, Farming, Agri-business, Agri-tourism, Growing Your Brand, Farmers Markets 12-12-23
P3952 Propagating Plants for the Home Landscape Lawn and Garden, Landscape Design and Management, Landscape and Garden Design 12-11-23
P3073 Preparing for the 4-H State Invitational Shotgun Events 4-H Shooting Sports 12-08-23
P3853 The Professional Florist’s Manual for the Care and Handling of Fresh-Cut Flowers and Foliage Agri-business, Small Business, Cut Flowers and Houseplants, Floral Design 12-07-23
P2597 Control Fleas on Your Pet, in Your House, and in Your Yard Pets, Insects-Pet Pests, Household Insects, Insects-Home Lawns 12-07-23
P3950 Hornet Species that Threaten Honey Bees Beekeeping, Apiculture: Honey Bee Health 12-07-23
P3500 Setting Up a Municipal Mosquito Control Program Insects, Pests 12-04-23
P2004 Bottomland Hardwood Management Species/Site Relationships Forest Ecology, Forest Management 12-04-23
P2577 Understanding and Managing Cattle Shrink Beef 12-04-23
P2578 Beef Calf Preconditioning Programs Beef 12-04-23
P3552 Traceability Plans for Food Products Food and Health, Food, Health 12-04-23
P3012 Rotary Drum Composting of Poultry Mortalities Poultry 12-04-23
P2525 Sport Fish Suppliers and Stocking Guidelines for Stocking Mississippi Ponds Fisheries, Pond and Lake Management, Stocking, Wildlife 12-04-23
P3938 Mississippi Certified Waterworks Operator Age and Tenure Report (2023) Community, Economic Development, Water 12-04-23
