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Publication Number Titlesort ascending Filed Under Date
P1397 Seed Identification 4-H, Youth Projects 09-18-23
P2735 Sample Pine Thinning Contract Forestry, Forest Economics 10-18-22
P2615 Reproductive Management of Beef Cattle Herds Beef 06-01-23
P2488 Replacement Beef Heifer Development Beef 02-13-24
P2690 Purple Coneflowers for the Mississippi Gardener Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens 04-18-24
P2675 Providing Assistance at Calving Livestock, Beef 08-07-23
P2732 Protect Your Pine Plantation Investment by Thinning Forestry 10-23-19
P2339 Preserving Trees in Construction Sites Trees 11-23-22
P2283 Prescribed Burning in Southern Pine Forests: Fire Ecology, Techniques, and Uses for Wildlife Management Forest Ecology, Forest Management, Wildlife, Wildlife Economics and Enterprises 03-10-20
P2726 Prescribed Burning for Pasture Management Grasses, Weed Control for Forages, Forestry 10-14-22
P2661 Predator Control on Beef Cattle Operations Beef, Nuisance Wildlife and Damage Management 01-26-24
P2738 Poultry Litter Management Farming, Poultry 07-08-22
P1776 Planting Southern Pines: A Guide to Species Selection and Planting Techniques Forestry 10-21-22
P2401 Planting Methods and Seeding Rates for Small Grain Crops Grains 07-02-21
P1224 Plant Analysis Sampling Instructions Soil Testing 02-02-23
P2244 Pine Timber Volume-to-Weight Conversions Forest Management 02-22-23
P2621 Petroleum Product Poisoning of Cattle Animal Health 01-13-25
P1962 Pesticides: Benefits and Risks Insects-Crop Pests 02-08-23
P2624 Perennial Peanuts as a Forage Crop Peanuts, Legumes 04-25-22
P2420 Paying for a New Forest Without Cost-Share Funding Forest Economics, Taxation, Regeneration 10-30-24
