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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Titlesort descending Filed Under Date
P3281 The Great Red Snapper Count: Project Overview Fisheries, Marine Resources 08-18-20
P3392 The Mississippi Mister: A More Affordable Way to Cool Pasture Animals Dairy 03-17-23
P3092 The Need for Diversity and Inclusion in Extension Efforts About Extension, Leadership 07-21-17
P3670 The Only Good Broiler Breeder Egg Is a Fertilized Egg Poultry 07-13-21
IS1798 The Plant Doctor - Biscogniauxia (Hypoxylon) Dieback of Oaks Plant Disease and Nematode Diagnostic Services, Trees 03-07-23
P2705 The Plant Doctor: How to Spray Fungicides to Protect Landscapes, Gardens, and Turf on Residential Property Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens, Landscape Management, Fruit and Nut Disease Publications, Lawn and Turf Diseases, Vegetable Gardens 03-31-22
P3743 The Plant Doctor: Large (Brown) Patch of Warm-Season Turfgrasses Forages, Grasses, Soil Health, Soil Testing, Lawn and Garden, Landscape Management, Plant Diseases, Lawn and Turf Diseases 02-28-22
P4035 The Plant Doctor: Sooty Mold Lawn and Garden, Plant Diseases 08-19-24
IS1670 The Plant Doctor: Watering and Plant Disease Plant Diseases 09-21-23
P3853 The Professional Florist’s Manual for the Care and Handling of Fresh-Cut Flowers and Foliage Agri-business, Small Business, Cut Flowers and Houseplants, Floral Design 12-07-23
P3013 The Role of Genetics and Nutrition in Deer Management Wildlife, White-Tailed Deer 03-14-24
P3869 The Science of Handwashing: How Soap Kills the Coronavirus and Other Germs Health and Wellness, Health, Coronavirus 02-03-23
P3872 The Science of Vaccines: How the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Helps Your Immune System Fight COVID-19 Health and Wellness, Health, Coronavirus 02-17-23
P2336 The Southern House Mosquito and Related Species: Biology and Control Insects-Human Pests, Insects-Pet Pests, Insects, Household Insects, Insect Identification, Pests 09-09-24
P3653 The State of Broadband Access in Mississippi Agricultural Economics, City and County Government 09-17-21
P3716-408 The University of Mississippi Census Profile (2010-2020) Economic Development 10-20-21
P2944-275 The University of Mississippi City Retail Sales Profile Economic Development 03-29-21
P3480-352 The University of Mississippi COVID 19 Sales Subject to Sales Tax Analysis Economic Development 03-30-21
P2945‐275 The University of Mississippi Retail Analysis Economic Development 03-29-21
P3355 Thickness and Thermal Gradients across Broiler Hatching Eggshells Poultry 06-21-23
