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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3675 Mississippi Crop Insurance Dates and Information Agricultural Economics, Crops, Farming 11-01-24
P4019 Sustainable Floral Design: Curriculum and Projects Floral Design 11-01-24
P2754 Water Quality Critical to Broiler Performance Poultry 11-01-24
P4050 Recycled Glass Sand: An Introduction to Repurposing Waste Glass in Your Community Health and Wellness, Production Phases and Systems, Environment, Waste Management 11-01-24
P3600 Effective Team Leadership Program and Staff Development, Leadership 10-31-24
P2681 Embryo Transfer in the Beef Herd Beef 10-31-24
P3784 Breast Cancer Health Message Health 10-31-24
P3646 Equine Joint Supplementation: Does It Really Work? 4-H, Agriculture, Livestock, Equine 10-31-24
P3668 What to Do About Bed Bugs in Poultry Houses Livestock, Poultry, Insects-Human Pests, Insects-Pet Pests 10-31-24
P2777 Career Opportunities with a Bachelor of Science in Animal and Dairy Sciences 4-H Livestock Program, Youth Livestock, Beef, Equine, Goats and Sheep, Swine 10-31-24
P2870 Crop Insurance for Cotton Producers: Key Concepts and Terminology Agricultural Economics, Cotton 10-30-24
P2420 Paying for a New Forest Without Cost-Share Funding Forest Economics, Taxation, Regeneration 10-30-24
P4049 Sampling for Varroa Mites Using an Alcohol Wash Plant Diseases 10-30-24
P4014 Soundness and Health in Performance Horses Equine 10-29-24
P3658 Purple nutsedge vs. Yellow nutsedge Weed Control 10-24-24
P2508 Body Condition Scoring Beef Cattle Beef 10-24-24
P4052 Ways to Conquer Household Clutter Health and Wellness 10-23-24
P3771 Facilities Required for a Fishing Derby Fisheries 10-22-24
P2962 The Economic Contribution of Agriculture and Forestry Production and Processing in Mississippi: An Input-Output Analysis (2014 Data) Agricultural Economics, Agri-business, Forest Economics 10-22-24
P3583 Economic Contribution of Agriculture and Forestry Production and Processing in Mississippi: An Input-Output Analysis (2019 Data) Agricultural Economics, Agri-business, Forest Economics 10-22-24
