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Publication Numbersort descending Title Filed Under Date
P1762 Legal Terms and Concepts for Forest Landowners Forestry 02-03-23
P1776 Planting Southern Pines: A Guide to Species Selection and Planting Techniques Forestry 10-21-22
P1777 Marketing Your Timber: Forest Products Marketing, Timber Harvest, Wood Products 05-09-22
P1779 Fruit and Nut Review: Citrus Fruit 01-10-19
P1782 Composting for the Mississippi Gardener Soils, Flower Gardens, Vegetable Gardens 08-11-23
P1783 Modern Timber Bridges: An Alternative for Mississippi Wood Products 10-11-22
P1815 Wellhead Protection Water 02-03-25
P1816 Natural Regeneration Using Seed Trees Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management, Regeneration 02-13-23
P1826 Annual and Perennial Flowers for Mississippi Gardens Flower Gardens 01-02-24
P1834 Evaluating High-Graded Hardwood Stands Forestry, Forest Management 06-12-24
P1855 Marketing Your Timber: The Timber Sales Agreement Forest Economics 06-26-24
P1858 Insect Control in Commercial Turf Insects-Forage Pests, Pests, Turfgrass and Lawn Management 10-23-23
P1861 Greenhouse Tomatoes: Pest Management in Mississippi Greenhouse Tomatoes, Insects-Crop Pests, Insects Vegetable Gardens, Plant Diseases 04-10-24
P1868 Protecting Your Private Well: An Environmental Self-Assessment Mississippi Well Owner Network, Rural Water Association, Water Quality 09-02-22
P1869 Managing Household Wastewater: An Environmental Self-Assessment for Homes with Private Wells Mississippi Well Owner Network 05-16-23
P1871 Managing Household Wastewater Mississippi Well Owner Network, Water Quality 09-27-22
P1872 Protecting Your Private Well Mississippi Well Owner Network, Rural Water Association, Water Quality 03-24-21
P1874 Forest Herbicide Safety: Environmental Concerns and Proper Handling Forestry 06-05-23
P1934 Weed Response to Selected Herbicides Weed Control 11-16-22
P194 Dairy Cattle Judging Youth Livestock 11-12-14
