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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P2829 Protecting Pollination by Honey Bees in Mississippi Beekeeping 06-11-19
P2775 Mississippi Private Well Populations Mississippi Well Owner Network, Rural Water Association 05-22-19
P3335 English Ivy Livestock, Invasive Plants 05-22-19
P3301 Snapdragon for the Farmer Florist Floral Design 05-07-19
P3330 Cover Crops: Benefits and Limitations Crops, Soil Health 05-07-19
P3334 Derelict Crab Traps in the Gulf of Mexico Seafood Harvesting and Processing 03-25-19
P3314 Notes for Agents and Volunteers Leading Sweet Mississippi - Floral Design Workshops Cut Flowers and Houseplants 02-14-19
P3313 Sweet Mississippi Flower Bowl Cut Flowers and Houseplants 01-30-19
P1779 Fruit and Nut Review: Citrus Fruit 01-10-19
P3288 Forage Risk Management Using Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Insurance Agricultural Economics, Forages 11-05-18
P3249 “The Process” of Archery 4-H Shooting Sports 08-08-18
P1564 Introduction to Basic Archery 4-H Shooting Sports 06-22-18
P2868 Native Warm-Season Grasses: Establishment Issues Forages 06-21-18
P3250 Unlocking the Language of the Wild Turkey 4-H Shooting Sports, Wildlife Youth Education, Wildlife 06-21-18
P3239 Margin Protection Program for Dairy: MPP-Dairy Revisions for 2018 Agricultural Economics, Dairy 05-10-18
P3134 Planning for a New Commercial Vegetable Business Commercial Horticulture, Agri-business 09-21-17
P3092 The Need for Diversity and Inclusion in Extension Efforts About Extension, Leadership 07-21-17
P3031 4-H LEGO Engineering Club STEM – Science Technology Engineering and Math 06-07-17
P3056 Oil and Gas Exploration in Mississippi: Tips for Landowners Rural Development, Natural Resources, Forest Economics 04-13-17
P2655 Did You Know at 18-24 Months I Can Children and Parenting 03-28-17
