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Publication Number Titlesort ascending Filed Under Date
P1858 Insect Control in Commercial Turf Insects-Forage Pests, Pests, Turfgrass and Lawn Management 10-23-23
P1622 Inorganic Nutrient Management for Cotton Production In Mississippi Cotton, Soils, Soil Fertility 10-23-23
P2500 Inorganic Fertilizers For Crop Production Agriculture, Crops, Farming, Soils, Soil Fertility 02-13-24
P1690 Ingredient Substitutions and Equivalents Nutrition and Wellness 09-03-24
P2733 Imported Fire Ant-Free Hay Certification in Mississippi Forages, Insects-Forage Pests, Insects, Fire Ants 12-09-22
P2551 Identifying Sick or Injured Cattle Beef 06-01-23
P2699 Identification Guide to Adult Mosquitoes in Mississippi Insects-Human Pests, Insects-Pet Pests, Pests 02-23-24
P2574 Hydrangeas For Mississippi Gardens Flower Gardens, Landscape and Garden Design 11-12-19
P2507 Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery for Beef Cattle Operations Beef, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Recovery 01-04-23
P2310 Hunting Leases: Considerations and Alternatives for Landowners Wildlife, Wildlife Economics and Enterprises 02-13-24
P2739 How Can the Agricultural Communications Media Relations Team Help You? County Extension Offices 10-09-24
P2322 Home Safety for Children Children and Parenting 11-14-22
P2698 Home Landscape Design Landscape Design and Management, Landscape Resources 07-25-23
P2539 Hay Testing and Understanding Forage Quality Forages 02-20-23
P2540 Hay Storage: Dry Matter Losses and Quality Changes Forages 04-21-23
P2590 Hay Calculator for Livestock Producers, Excel Program (V2019) Instruction Sheet Forages, Livestock, Goats and Sheep 01-04-23
P1182 Hatching Quality Chicks Poultry 12-05-24
P2541 Guidelines for Pasture Establishment Fertilizers - Forages, Management - Forages, Weed Control for Forages 02-20-23
P2516 Guide to Determine What Weight Show Pig to Buy Youth Livestock, Swine 10-01-24
P2485 Growth-Promoting Implants for Beef Cattle Beef 10-10-24
