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Publication Number Titlesort ascending Filed Under Date
P2484 Mineral and Vitamin Nutrition for Beef Cattle Beef 03-20-24
P1777 Marketing Your Timber: Forest Products Marketing, Timber Harvest, Wood Products 05-09-22
P2005 Marketing Your Timber - The Basics of Weight Scaling Forest Economics, Marketing 11-16-22
P2552 Marketing Feeder Calves Beef 06-01-23
P2567 Marketing a Food Product: Marketing Considerations for a Small-Scale Food Processor Agricultural Economics, Agri-business 12-06-22
P2479 Market Lamb Project Guide: Show Lamb Selection and Development Youth Livestock, Goats and Sheep 10-08-20
P2477 Market Lamb Project Guide: Healthcare Management Youth Livestock, Goats and Sheep 01-02-24
P2520 Market Cow and Bull Management and Marketing Beef 09-27-22
P2460 Managing Small Pasture for Horses Forages, Equine 02-20-23
P2744 Managing Litter Moisture in Broiler Houses with Built-Up Litter Poultry 07-20-22
P2622 Managing Genetic Defects in Beef Cattle Herds Beef 09-13-24
P2722 Management Strategies to Improve Native and Seedling Pecan Groves Nuts 11-29-23
P2086 Management of Sports Fields in Mississippi Soils, Turfgrass and Lawn Management 05-09-23
P0711 Looking at Leadership Leadership 08-13-19
P2315 Living With Fire: A Guide for Mississippi Homeowners Family, Forestry 10-28-21
P2538 Livestock Fencing Systems For Pasture Management Forages, Livestock 02-20-23
P1288 Leadership-Committees Leadership 08-13-19
P1564 Introduction to Basic Archery 4-H Shooting Sports 06-22-18
P2620 Interpreting Forage and Feed Analysis Reports Agriculture, Farming, Livestock 12-12-23
P2483 Integrated Pest Management In the Home Landscape Insects-Home Lawns, Ornamental Plants, Pests, Landscape Management 09-15-22
