Mississippi 4-H Livestock Programs
Publication Number: M1522
Department: Ctr 4-H Youth Development

It’s not just showing—it’s growing, too!
Join Mississippi 4-H and grow your knowledge and skills with
- beef cattle.
- dairy cattle.
- meat goats.
- dairy goats.
- sheep.
- swine.
- rabbits.
Junior and senior 4-H’ers can share what they have learned at
- judging contests.
- quiz bowls.
- presentations.
- individual and team demonstrations.
- public speaking contests.
- premier exhibitor contests.
- art and photography contests.
You will learn how to
- treat animals ethically.
- win and lose graciously.
- communicate clearly.
- work with others.
Discover responsibility by
- being a reliable team member.
- caring for an animal that depends on you.
- participating in competitions.
Mississippi livestock competitions for 4-H’ers are held at
- Mississippi State Fair.
- Dixie National Junior Round-Up.
- district livestock shows.
- district and state 4-H horse championships.
- county fairs and jackpot shows.
For more information on 4-H livestock programs, contact your county MSU Extension office.
M1522 (04-23)
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