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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3986 An Overview of Mississippi Agricultural Industry Deaths, 2017–2021 Health and Wellness, Agriculture 03-25-24
P2484 Mineral and Vitamin Nutrition for Beef Cattle Beef 03-20-24
P2847 Silvopasture: Grazing Systems Can Add Value to Trees Forages, Forestry 03-20-24
P3968 Useful Nutrient Management Planning Data Soils 03-20-24
P3186 Itchgrass [Rottboellia chochinchinensis (Lour.) W.D. Clayton] Weed Control for Crops, Weed Control for Forages 03-20-24
P3579 Make Healthier Choices when Dining Out Nutrition and Wellness 03-19-24
P2751 2024 4-H Shooting Sports State Championship Rulebook 4-H Shooting Sports 03-18-24
P3871 Casualty Losses of Shade Trees and Landscape Elements Disaster Response, Disaster Recovery 03-18-24
P3966 Pecan Scab in the Home Landscape Fruit and Nut Diseases 03-18-24
P3013 The Role of Genetics and Nutrition in Deer Management Wildlife, White-Tailed Deer 03-14-24
P3555 Sodium and Spices Growing Well, Nutrition and Wellness 03-11-24
P3567 Fold and Go Meals Nutrition and Wellness 03-11-24
P3212 Protect Landscape Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borers Lawn and Garden, Ornamental Plants, Pests, Trees 03-07-24
P2965 Understanding Wastewater Permit Parameters Rural Water Association 03-06-24
P3077 4-H Shooting Sports: Shotgun and the Clover Clays 4-H Shooting Sports 03-05-24
P2818 Windrow Composting Broiler Litter between Flocks Poultry 02-29-24
P3151 Recognizing Potential in Volunteer Leaders Volunteers, Leadership 02-28-24
M2453 Why SipSafe? SipSafe 02-28-24
P3977 Guidelines for Supervising Youth 4-H, Volunteers 02-27-24
P3973 2023 Soybean Variety Suggestions Soybeans 02-27-24
