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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P2690 Purple Coneflowers for the Mississippi Gardener Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens 04-18-24
P3322 Basic Compass Orienteering 4-H, 4-H Shooting Sports 04-17-24
P3585 A New Era: Marketing Horses for Sale Equine 04-17-24
P0821 Mississippi 4-H Horse Shows: Classes, Rules, and Regulations Youth Livestock 04-16-24
P3990 Building Your Own Backstop 4-H, 4-H Shooting Sports 04-16-24
P2928 Juicy, Juicy You! Encouraging Children to Drink More Water Children and Parenting, Health, Nutrition 04-12-24
P2568 Protect Your House from Termites Termites 04-11-24
P3993 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Bell Peppers Nutrition 04-11-24
P2347 Insect Pests of the Home Vegetable Garden Insects Vegetable Gardens, Pests, Vegetable Gardens 04-10-24
P3190 Cogongrass Weed Control for Crops, Weed Control for Forages 04-10-24
P2858 Disease and Insect Control for Homegrown Peaches and Plums Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Fruit, Insects-Crop Pests, Insects Vegetable Gardens, Pests 04-10-24
P1861 Greenhouse Tomatoes: Pest Management in Mississippi Greenhouse Tomatoes, Insects-Crop Pests, Insects Vegetable Gardens, Plant Diseases 04-10-24
P3967 Disease and Insect Management for Pecans in Home Landscapes Insects-Crop Pests, Insects Vegetable Gardens, Fruit and Nut Diseases 04-10-24
P3616 Mississippi Vegetable Gardener's Guide Master Gardener, Insects Vegetable Gardens, Vegetable Gardens 04-10-24
P3277 How to Build a Campfire Wildlife Youth Education 04-09-24
P3618 A Guide to Common Native Deer Forages in Mississippi and the Southeast Wildlife, White-Tailed Deer 04-09-24
P3927 Understanding Buck Movement: How, When, and Why Bucks Navigate the Landscape Natural Resources 04-09-24
M2139 Gulf Gone Fishing: Mississippi State University Extension Service Angling to Assist Mississippi Seafood Fishers Fisheries, Marine Resources, Seafood Economics 04-09-24
P3919 Poison Hemlock Weed Control for Crops 04-08-24
P3207 Chinese Privet Agriculture, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden, Invasive Plants 04-08-24
