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Publication Numbersort descending Title Filed Under Date
P2469 Experiments in Food Science Laboratory Manual Youth Projects 07-22-24
P2470 Managing the Family Forest in Mississippi Forest Management 07-11-22
P2471 2024 Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops Corn, Cotton, Grains, Insects-Crop Pests, Peanuts, Rice, Soybeans, Sweet Potatoes, Wheat, Forages 12-04-23
P2472 Insect Pests of Roses Flower Gardens, Ornamental Plants, Pests 04-23-21
P2477 Market Lamb Project Guide: Healthcare Management Youth Livestock, Goats and Sheep 01-02-24
P2478 Market Lamb Project Guide: Nutrition 4-H Livestock Program, Youth Livestock, Goats and Sheep 10-11-23
P2479 Market Lamb Project Guide: Show Lamb Selection and Development Youth Livestock, Goats and Sheep 10-08-20
P2480 What You Should Know about Bovine Viral Diarrhea in Cattle Beef 02-10-23
P2482 Catfish-Duck Ponds for the Mississippi Delta Catfish, Waterfowl 08-04-23
P2483 Integrated Pest Management In the Home Landscape Insects-Home Lawns, Ornamental Plants, Pests, Landscape Management 09-15-22
P2484 Mineral and Vitamin Nutrition for Beef Cattle Beef 03-20-24
P2485 Growth-Promoting Implants for Beef Cattle Beef 10-10-24
P2486 Economic Impact of Artificial Insemination vs. Natural Mating for Beef Cattle Herds Beef 09-05-23
P2487 Mississippi Animal Disease and Disaster Preparedness Program Livestock, Equine, Disaster Preparedness 07-12-22
P2488 Replacement Beef Heifer Development Beef 02-13-24
P2489 Fiber in Beef Cattle Diets Beef 04-01-22
P2490 Beef Cattle Water Requirements and Source Management Beef 08-29-22
P2491 Expected Progeny Differences and Selection Indices for Beef Cattle Selection Beef 11-16-21
P2493 Control Fire Ants in Pastures, Hayfields, and Barnyards Insects-Crop Pests, Insects-Forage Pests, Insects, Fire Ants 11-08-22
P2494 Control Fire Ants in Commercial Fruits, Nuts, and Vegetables Insects-Crop Pests, Insects, Fire Ants, Insects Vegetable Gardens, Pests 07-01-24
