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Publication Numbersort descending Title Filed Under Date
P2369 Insect Pests of Ornamental Plants in the Home Landscape Insects, Lawn and Garden, Ornamental Plants 07-11-24
P2384 The Plant Doctor: Take-All Disease of Turfgrasses Plant Diseases, Turfgrass and Lawn Management 05-06-22
P2394 Did You Know at 4 Years Old I Can ... Children and Parenting 08-20-24
P2401 Planting Methods and Seeding Rates for Small Grain Crops Grains 07-02-21
P2407 Control of Argentine Ants and Odorous House Ants in the Home Household Insects 10-17-22
P2414 Catfish Nutrition: Feeding Food Fish Catfish 10-21-22
P2420 Paying for a New Forest Without Cost-Share Funding Forest Economics, Taxation, Regeneration 10-30-24
P2421 Growing Your Own Oak Seedlings Trees, Forestry, Beginning Forestry, Regeneration 05-06-24
P2426 Mississippi Beef Cattle - Producer Guide to Coping with Drought Conditions Beef 11-05-15
P2427 Using Antler Restrictions to Manage for Older-aged Bucks White-Tailed Deer 05-08-23
P2429 Control Fire Ants in Your Yard Insects, Fire Ants, Lawn and Garden, Insects-Home Lawns, Pests 09-15-23
P2435 Native Warm-Season Grass Restoration in Mississippi Grasses, Natural Resources, Wildlife 10-05-21
P2443 Control Household Insect Pests Insects, Household Insects 06-03-22
P2455 Dollar Spot Disease in Tall Fescue Pastures Grasses, Plant Diseases 09-29-22
P2458 Assessing Needs and Feed Sources: How Much Forage Do I Have? Management - Forages 02-24-20
P2459 Pasture Management and Grazing Guide for Livestock Producers Management - Forages 02-05-20
P2460 Managing Small Pasture for Horses Forages, Equine 02-20-23
P2461 Extending the Grazing Season: Stockpiled Tall Fescue Forages 05-08-23
P2463 Pasture Planning for Winter Forages Forages, Legumes 01-26-24
P2464 Freeze Branding Beef Cattle Beef 11-28-22
