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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3335 English Ivy Livestock, Invasive Plants 05-22-19
P3301 Snapdragon for the Farmer Florist Floral Design 05-07-19
P3330 Cover Crops: Benefits and Limitations Crops, Soil Health 05-07-19
IS1772 Keep Your Metabolism in Check Health, Nutrition 04-03-19
P3334 Derelict Crab Traps in the Gulf of Mexico Seafood Harvesting and Processing 03-25-19
M2260 MSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Annual Report 4-H 03-15-19
IS1618 Energy Conservation for Greenhouse Growers Agricultural Economics 03-06-19
P3314 Notes for Agents and Volunteers Leading Sweet Mississippi - Floral Design Workshops Cut Flowers and Houseplants 02-14-19
IS0643 Wood Ducks In Mississippi Wildlife, Waterfowl 02-11-19
P3313 Sweet Mississippi Flower Bowl Cut Flowers and Houseplants 01-30-19
IS1726 Disaster Relief: Recovering Small Fruits Fruit, Disaster Response 01-25-19
IS1550 Mycotoxin in Swine Diets Swine 01-18-19
IS0372 Soil pH and Fertilizers Soils, Soil Testing 01-15-19
IS0204 Pruning Landscape Plants Flower Gardens, Landscape Architecture, Trees 01-15-19
P1779 Fruit and Nut Review: Citrus Fruit 01-10-19
M2265 Conversation Starters - Table Talk Cards Family 12-12-18
M2099 Your Partner in Growing Mississippi About Extension 11-06-18
P3288 Forage Risk Management Using Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Insurance Agricultural Economics, Forages 11-05-18
M0915 Halloween Safety Tips Family, Children and Parenting 09-06-18
M1961 Learning to Change Your Life - info card About Extension 08-22-18
