Publication Number | Title | Filed Under | Date |
6291 | Large Bale Transporter - for Small Tractor with 3-Point Hitch | 04-14-14 | |
5983 | Roadside Stand | 04-14-14 | |
5699 | Movable Roadside Stand | 04-14-14 | |
6053 | Pullet Rearing House | 04-14-14 | |
6062 | Cage Laying House | 04-14-14 | |
5824-C | Farm Headquarters, Layout - 2,000 Cultivated Acres | 04-14-14 | |
6317-A | Referee Chair | 04-14-14 | |
6285 | Horse Barn - 26' X 48' - Gambrel Roof (3 Stalls) | 04-14-14 | |
5995 | HP Picnic Shelter | 04-14-14 | |
6013 | Dormitory Loft Cabin | 04-14-14 | |
6300 | Buck Goatyard | 04-14-14 | |
5538 | Low Cost House | 04-14-14 | |
7013 | Two Bedroom Log Cabin | 04-14-14 | |
6277 | Rabbit Hutch | 04-14-14 | |
6208-C | Wick Broom (similar to 6208-A) (8 1/2 X 11) | 04-14-14 | |
6260 | Trash Burner-Brick or Block Construction | 04-14-14 | |
6054 | Pit Type Privy (Revised Plan 6396) | 04-14-14 | |
6379 | 12" Log Lifter | 04-14-14 | |
5997-A | Chimney Construction, Fireplaces and Mantles | 04-14-14 | |
5533 | Corn Crib | 04-14-14 |