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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3357 Using Google Earth to Estimate Shoreline Erosion History Natural Resources, Environment 09-19-22
5885-C Free Stall Housing Layout, 77 Head Dairy 09-19-22
5784 Cattle Stock Agriculture 09-19-22
P2647 Nutrient Management Guidelines for Agronomic Crops Grown in Mississippi Agriculture, Soils, Soil Fertility 09-16-22
P3792 Cornucopia for Floral Designs Cut Flowers and Houseplants, Floral Design 09-15-22
P2483 Integrated Pest Management In the Home Landscape Insects-Home Lawns, Ornamental Plants, Pests, Landscape Management 09-15-22
P3817 Disaster Relief: Tips for Handling Flooded Soils Soils, Disaster Response 09-15-22
6039 Free Stall Barn Dairy 09-14-22
P2657 Breaking Down Soil Compaction: Does It Increase Forage Production? Forages, Soils, Soil Health 09-14-22
P3800 Control External Parasites of Poultry Poultry 09-14-22
P3815-5 2021 MSU Extension On-Farm Demonstration Program: Maturity Group V RR2X and XF Soybean Variety Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Soybeans 09-13-22
P3815-4 2021 MSU Extension On-Farm Demonstration Program: Maturity Group V Enlist E3 Soybean Variety Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Soybeans 09-13-22
P3815-3 2021 MSU Extension On-Farm Demonstration Program: Maturity Group IV Late RR2X and XF Soybean Variety Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Soybeans 09-13-22
P3815-2 2021 MSU Extension On-Farm Demonstration Program: Maturity Group IV Early RR2X and XF Soybean Variety Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Soybeans 09-12-22
P3815-1 2021 MSU Extension On-Farm Demonstration Program: Maturity Group IV Enlist E3 Soybean Variety Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Soybeans 09-12-22
P3354 The Great Red Snapper Count Tagging Study Marine Resources 09-09-22
P2262 When Will A Prescribed Burn Help My Pine Stand? Forestry, Forest Ecology, Forest Management 09-08-22
P3813 Testing Residential Private Well Drinking Water and Understanding Bacteriological Analyses Mississippi Well Owner Network, Rural Water Association, Water Quality 09-07-22
P3809 Pecan Production: Establishing an Orchard Nuts, Trees 09-07-22
P3801 Fruit and Nut Review - Blueberries Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Fruit 09-06-22
