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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P2735 Sample Pine Thinning Contract Forestry, Forest Economics 10-18-22
P2407 Control of Argentine Ants and Odorous House Ants in the Home Household Insects 10-17-22
P3006 Mechanical Site Preparation for Forestry in Mississippi Forages, Trees, Regeneration, Forest Soils 10-17-22
P2243 Disaster Relief: Drinking Water in an Emergency Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response 10-14-22
P3280 Multiflora Rose Weed Control for Lawn and Garden, Invasive Plants 10-14-22
P3825 Interpreting Your Soil Test Report — For Homeowners Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens, Vegetable Gardens 10-14-22
P3824 Interpreting Your Soil Test Report — For Farmers Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat 10-14-22
P2726 Prescribed Burning for Pasture Management Grasses, Weed Control for Forages, Forestry 10-14-22
P3822 Opportunities of Silvopasture Systems for Sheep and Goats Livestock, Goats and Sheep 10-14-22
P2970 High Tunnel Construction for the Mississippi Gardener Herb Gardens, Vegetable Gardens 10-13-22
P2250 Chain Saw Safety: Tree Felling Disaster Response, Disaster Recovery 10-12-22
P1783 Modern Timber Bridges: An Alternative for Mississippi Wood Products 10-11-22
P3396 Forage Establishment in Mississippi: Recommended Seeding Rates, Planting Depths, and Planting Dates for Common Forage Species Forages, Livestock 10-11-22
P2926 Improving Working Relationships between Board Members and Water System Operators Public Water System Assistance Program 10-10-22
P3722 Sustainable Parasite Control for Sheep and Goats Goats and Sheep 10-10-22
P2971 Subirrigated Containers for the Mississippi Gardener Vegetable Gardens 10-06-22
P2746 Notes from the Veterans Memorial Rose Garden Flower Gardens 10-06-22
P2532 Ornamental Grasses for the Midsouth Landscape Lawn and Garden 10-05-22
M1656 Host the Welcome to the Real World! simulation workshop! Family Financial Management, Volunteer Money Mentors 10-05-22
P2610 Estrus (Heat) Detection in Cattle Animal Health, Beef 10-04-22
