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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Numbersort ascending Title Filed Under Date
P3662 Installing Trees and Shrubs Landscape Architecture, Trees 08-19-24
P3661 Sicklepod vs. Coffee senna Weed Control 08-26-21
P3660 Soil Physical Properties in Healthy Soils Soils, Soil Health, Healthy Soils and Water, Healthy Soils 09-04-24
P3659 Palmleaf morningglory vs. Pitted morningglory Weed Control 06-28-21
P3658 Purple nutsedge vs. Yellow nutsedge Weed Control 06-28-21
P3657 Good Litter Management Improves Broiler Performance, Health, and Welfare Livestock, Poultry 07-30-24
P3656 Prickly sida vs. Arrowleaf sida Weed Control 06-29-21
P3655 Velvetleaf vs. Spurred anoda Weed Control 06-28-21
P3654 Brown Stink Bug Management in Early Vegetative Stage Field Corn in Mississippi Agriculture, Corn, Insects-Crop Pests 09-17-21
P3653 The State of Broadband Access in Mississippi Agricultural Economics, City and County Government 09-17-21
P3651 Jimsonweed vs. Buffalobur Weed Control 06-22-21
P3650 Mississippi’s Sharks and Rays Marine Resources 11-15-21
P3649 Introduction to Futures Markets Agricultural Economics 06-14-21
P3648 Competition Control for Cottonwood Plantation Establishment Biofuels, Forest Management 07-31-24
P3647 Protect Children from Sexual Abuse: Tips for Parents of Preschoolers Children and Parenting 04-24-24
P3646 Equine Joint Supplementation: Does It Really Work? 4-H, Agriculture, Livestock, Equine 06-25-21
P3639 Broiler House Lamp and Light Dimmer Basics Poultry 07-30-24
P3638 Volunteer Management: A Team Approach Leadership, Program and Staff Development 05-28-21
P3636 Stand Density Index Natural Resources, Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management, Timber Harvest 08-16-24
P3635 Protect Children from Sexual Abuse: Tips for Parents of School-Aged Children Children and Parenting 01-12-22
