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Publication Number Titlesort ascending Filed Under Date
P1993 Exercise For Your Health Health 06-11-24
P1834 Evaluating High-Graded Hardwood Stands Forestry, Forest Management 06-12-24
P2610 Estrus (Heat) Detection in Cattle Animal Health, Beef 10-04-22
P2614 Estrous Synchronization in Cattle Livestock, Animal Health, Beef 01-11-24
P2290 Establishment and Production of Muscadine Grapes Fruit 09-26-24
P1758 Establishment and Maintenance of Blueberries Fruit 05-22-24
P2496 Establishing a Forage Fertility Program Fertilizers - Forages, Soil Fertility 10-24-23
P1322 Establish and Manage Your Home Lawn Insects-Home Lawns, Turfgrass and Lawn Management, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 02-21-23
P2504 Energy in Beef Cattle Diets Beef 04-08-22
P2681 Embryo Transfer in the Beef Herd Beef 10-31-24
P2486 Economic Impact of Artificial Insemination vs. Natural Mating for Beef Cattle Herds Beef 09-05-23
P2466 Ecology and Management Of Squirrels in Mississippi Wildlife, Wildlife Economics and Enterprises 03-10-20
P2467 Ecology and Management Of Rabbits in Mississippi Forest Management, Wildlife, Wildlife Economics and Enterprises 03-10-20
P2179 Ecology & Management of the Northern Bobwhite Northern Bobwhite Quail, Wildlife Economics and Enterprises 04-12-22
E0001 EC HealthNet Strategic Planning Retreat Community, Food and Health 10-20-15
E0003 EC HealthNet Health Care Provider Survey Community, Food and Health 09-17-14
E0002 EC HealthNet Analysis of Healthcare Coverage Community, Food and Health 09-17-14
P2555 Early Weaning Beef Calves Beef 01-30-24
P2455 Dollar Spot Disease in Tall Fescue Pastures Grasses, Plant Diseases 09-29-22
P2677 Disaster Response: Planning & Rebuilding Toolkit Disaster Response 10-01-24
