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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P2334 Native Shrubs for Mississippi Landscapes Landscape and Garden Design 07-26-22
P2306 Forestry Income Tax Series -- Setting up the Books Using a Tree Farm Journal Forest Economics, Taxation 07-25-22
P3265 Green Antelopehorn Milkweed Tolerance to Right-of-Way Herbicides Crops, Weed Control for Crops 07-25-22
P3798 Economic and Agronomic Considerations for Nitrogen Applications in Cotton Cotton 07-22-22
P1473 4-H Forestry Project No.7-Measuring Standing Sawtimber 4-H, 4-H Forestry 07-22-22
P2330 Native Trees for Mississippi Landscapes Landscape and Garden Design, Smart Landscapes, Trees 07-21-22
P2844 Preventing and Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in Turfgrass Weed Control for Crops, Weed Control for Forages, Turfgrass and Lawn Management, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 07-21-22
P2831 Adjusting Soil pH in Mississippi Landscapes Soil Testing 07-21-22
P2744 Managing Litter Moisture in Broiler Houses with Built-Up Litter Poultry 07-20-22
P2509 Ultrasound Scanning Beef Cattle for Body Composition Beef 07-20-22
P3778 Fruit and Nut Review - Peaches, Nectarines, and Plums Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Fruit, Trees 07-15-22
P3797 The Buddy System: Pair Housing Dairy Calves to Improve Production, Function, and Developmental Potential Livestock, Dairy 07-14-22
P3293 Combatting Bed Bugs in Broiler Breeder Houses Poultry 07-14-22
P2916 Mayhaw Diseases Plant Diseases, Plant Disease and Nematode Diagnostic Services 07-13-22
P2621 Petroleum Product Poisoning of Cattle Animal Health 07-13-22
P2897 Forage and Manure Analysis Laboratories Forages 07-12-22
P2487 Mississippi Animal Disease and Disaster Preparedness Program Livestock, Equine, Disaster Preparedness 07-12-22
P2470 Managing the Family Forest in Mississippi Forest Management 07-11-22
P2738 Poultry Litter Management Farming, Poultry 07-08-22
P3789 Does Summer's Heat Impact Stallion Fertility? Equine 07-08-22
