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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort descending
3377‐3 Alcorn County Veterans Admin Profile Economic Development 07-27-20
P3482 Fish-Eating Birds on Catfish Ponds in the Mississippi Delta Catfish, Fisheries, Wildlife 07-30-20
P2766 Greenhouse Tomato Budgets for Mississippi Greenhouse Tomatoes 08-04-20
M2182 Water Works with Extension From the Ground Up Irrigation, Water 08-05-20
P3487 A Collaboration Framework for Use in Extension Program and Staff Development 08-17-20
P3113 Citizen’s Guide to Protecting the Mississippi Gulf Coast from Marine Debris Environment, Marine Resources 08-18-20
P3393 General Best Practices for Communicating about Climate Change Environment 08-18-20
P3281 The Great Red Snapper Count: Project Overview Fisheries, Marine Resources 08-18-20
P3282 The Great Red Snapper Count: Habitat Classification Fisheries, Marine Resources 08-18-20
P3283 The Great Red Snapper Count: Direct Visual Counts Fisheries, Marine Resources 08-18-20
P3513 Creating a Pressed Floral Design Agriculture, Cut Flowers and Houseplants 09-30-20
P2479 Market Lamb Project Guide: Show Lamb Selection and Development Youth Livestock, Goats and Sheep 10-08-20
P3547 Are You Older Than a Fish? Marine Resources 11-12-20
P2497 Strategies for Better Management of Pasture Fertilization Forages, Soil Fertility, Soil Testing 11-12-20
M2367 Be A Hero! Protect your grandchildren and yourself from COVID-19! Coronavirus, Be A Hero! 11-23-20
M2362 Be A Hero! Prepare your kids for school during COVID-19 Coronavirus, Be A Hero! 11-23-20
M2358 Be a Hero! Protect Your People from COVID-19 Coronavirus, Be A Hero! 11-23-20
M2365 ¡Sé un héroe! Protege a tus seres queridos del COVID-19 Coronavirus, Be A Hero! 11-23-20
M2364 ¡Sé un héroe! Prepara a tus hijos para la escuela durante el COVID-19 Coronavirus, Be A Hero! 11-23-20
M2363 ¡Sé un superhéroe! ¡Ayuda a tus maestros y compañeros a mantenerse a salvo del COVID-19! Coronavirus, Be A Hero! 11-23-20
