Tussie Mussie Bouquet
Thursday, October 10, 2024 - 10:00am
MSU Extension- DeSoto County
3260 Hwy 51 S. -DeSoto County Ext. Office
Hernando, Mississippi 38632
DeSoto County Extension Office location! Learn about the history of flowers to carry from MSU Extension Master Floral Designer Tommie Rogers. Open to anyone with interest in floral design, this informative class tells the story of tussie mussy bouquets, where they originated, how they were revived, and how they were used in Victorian Europe. Next, you will create your own tussie mussie using a variety of delicate blooms and greenery. Bring pruning shears and scissors. No refunds. Can’t make it? Send a friend!
Registration deadline Sept. 26. Minimum 5, maximum 12 students. $50 per person