Celeste vs. Southern Brown Turkey Figs
Figs are in season from July to October. So, now is the perfect time to find some figs to eat and cook with! There are two main fig varieties found in Mississippi: Celeste and Southern Brown Turkey. If you have a tree in your yard, there’s a good chance you have one of these two. These characteristics can help you tell the difference!

(Photo by North Carolina State Extension)
Celeste Figs:
- Most common variety found in Mississippi.
- Small, pear-shaped
- Light brown to violet-bronze in color with pink pulp.
- Sweet to taste.
- Plant is vigorous, large, and productive, and is the most cold-hardy variety.

(Photo from North Carolina State Extension)
Southern Brown Turkey Figs:
- Medium-sized with light brown skin.
- Has a mild, sweet flavor.
- Ripens over a 60-day period.
- Plant is vigorous, large, and productive.
How do you know when figs are ready to pick? It’s important to watch for the skin to fully color and for the fruit to soften. You want to be sure that it doesn’t get mushy, though! If you notice the fruit necks wilting and hanging down, that means the figs are ready to be picked!
Figs unfortunately last for a very short time, typically only two or three days after being picked. If you do have fresh figs on hand, decide quickly what you want to do with them. If you choose not to eat them, you can freeze them or make jam. Here’s a jam recipe and instructions on how to freeze fruits for easy reference!
You can learn more about figs by checking out Extension Info Sheet 1457, “Fruit and Nut Review-Figs.”
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