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Publication Numbersort ascending Title Filed Under Date
is1985 Dollarweed Control in Mississippi Lawns and Ornamentals Flower Gardens, Turfgrass and Lawn Management, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 08-04-23
IS1976 Deep Pectoral Myopathy Poultry 05-27-20
IS1975 Composting Manure from Small Poultry Flocks Agriculture, Poultry 09-01-20
IS1973 Managing Manure from the Backyard Flock Poultry 04-23-20
IS1964 Economic Impact of Forestry and Forest Products on Mississippi's Fourth Congressional District Forestry, Forest Economics, Forestry Impacts, Wood Products 03-16-23
IS1955 Choosing a Disinfectant for Tools and Surfaces in Horticultural Operations Farming, Lawn and Garden, Plant Diseases 01-24-20
IS1954 How Much Electrical Power Do You Need? Agricultural Engineering, Family Dynamics 02-06-19
IS1952 Maintenance Critical to Backup Generator Reliability Poultry, Disaster Preparedness 08-20-19
IS1951 Prepare Poultry Houses for Cooler Weather Poultry 08-20-19
IS1950 Why the Rapid Growth Rate in Today's Chickens? Poultry 11-14-19
IS1944 Hunting for Life: An Introduction to the Hunting Discipline 4-H Shooting Sports, Waterfowl, White-Tailed Deer 04-02-20
IS1943 Leadership and Engagement: Tools for Natural Resource Organizations Leadership, Natural Resources 06-11-19
IS1938 The Plant Doctor - Sooty Mold Lawn and Garden, Plant Diseases 02-06-19
IS1921 Selecting Small Portable Electric Generators Farming, Family Dynamics 04-10-19
IS1918 Family Food Solutions - The Dairy Group Food, Health, Nutrition 02-22-19
IS1917 Family Food Solutions - The Vegetable Group Food, Nutrition 02-01-19
IS1916 Family Food Solutions - The Protein Food Group, Builds the Body Food, Health, Nutrition 02-22-19
IS1915 Family Food Solutions - The Fruit Group, How Sweet Food, Health, Nutrition 02-01-19
IS1914 Family Food Solutions - The Grain Group, The Best Energy Food Food, Health, Nutrition 02-22-19
IS1868 Insurance Matters When Your Income Drops Disaster Response, Basic Money Management 03-27-23
