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Center for Technology Outreach - Course Book

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Publication Number: P2856
View as PDF: P2856.pdf

The Extension Center for Technology Outreach Training Team serves the technology needs of Extension personnel, as well as the citizens of Mississippi. This team is comprised of educators who specialize in instructional technology, routinely apply best instructional practices, and seek to introduce innovative techniques to engage their audiences.

We offer a wide range of technology-related classes designed to provide practical, real-world application for you, the participant. Our classes can be customized to fit your needs. For the most part, classes are offered in the following time allotments: 50-minute presentation-style seminar, 3-hour hands-on class, 6-hour (all day) class, or a combination.

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Department: Extension Center for Tech Outreach
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Your Extension Experts

Portrait of Dr. Bekah Sparks
Extension Project Specialist I
Portrait of Dr. Jamie Rone Varner
Head, Ext Ctr Tch Outreach