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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Numbersort ascending Title Filed Under Date
P3834 2022 Legislation Affecting Municipalities Community, City and County Government 11-03-22
P3833 Estimating the Economic Impact of Tourism Events Economic Development 12-09-22
P3832 Collecting Insects - Standard 4-H Display Box Youth Projects, Insects, Insect Identification 10-26-22
P3831 Considerations for Replant Decisions in Soybean Soybeans 10-25-22
P3830 Obtaining Biomass/Volume/Carbon Estimates Using EVALIDator Version 2.0.3 Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management 10-25-22
P3829 An Approach to Explaining Confidence Intervals When Estimating Average Values Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management 10-21-22
P3828 Growing Your Brand: Starting a Farmers Market Business Youth Workbook Farmers Markets 11-09-22
P3827 Disaster Relief: Flooded Private Sewage Systems Disaster Response, Family Dynamics, Family Financial Management 10-18-22
P3826 Integrated Mosquito Management Insects-Human Pests, Insects-Pet Pests, Pests 10-18-22
P3825 Interpreting Your Soil Test Report — For Homeowners Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens, Vegetable Gardens 10-14-22
P3824 Interpreting Your Soil Test Report — For Farmers Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat 10-14-22
P3823 Thinning to Mitigate Extreme-Weather Risks Forestry 09-26-24
P3822 Opportunities of Silvopasture Systems for Sheep and Goats Livestock, Goats and Sheep 10-14-22
P3821 Forest Herbicides: Calibrating Backpack Sprayers Forestry, Forest Management 02-03-23
P3820 GEO Tutorial: Publishing a Raster to ArcGIS Online Remote Sensing Technology, Sciences of Remote Sensing, Technology, Natural Resources 10-04-22
P3819 Mississippi Medallion Plants: 2015 Flower Gardens 09-26-22
P3818 L.A. Hybrid Lilies (Lilium longiflorum x Lilium asiatic) for the Farmer Florist Cut Flowers and Houseplants 10-28-22
P3817 Disaster Relief: Tips for Handling Flooded Soils Soils, Disaster Response 09-15-22
P3816 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Water Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P3815-5 2021 MSU Extension On-Farm Demonstration Program: Maturity Group V RR2X and XF Soybean Variety Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Soybeans 09-13-22
