Publication Number | Title | Filed Under | Date |
5507 | Three Room Log Cabin | 04-14-14 | |
5861 | Sheep Feeder | 04-14-14 | |
5664 | Gambrel Roof Frame | 04-14-14 | |
6341 | Low Cost Solar Collector for Grain Dryer | 04-14-14 | |
5990 | Laying House | 04-14-14 | |
5188-A | Picnic Tables and Outdoor Fireplaces | 04-14-14 | |
6267 | General Barn, 18'6" X 30'6" | 04-14-14 | |
5188 | Outdoor Fireplace and Table | 04-14-14 | |
6002 | 24' Pole-Frame Cabin | 04-14-14 | |
6107 | Horse Barn (3 Stalls) | 04-14-14 | |
5910 | Sheep Feeder | 04-14-14 | |
5146 | Farm Shop | 04-14-14 | |
5849-A | Farm Shop Layout | 04-14-14 | |
6327 | Deep 5 & 6 Brood Hive | 04-14-14 | |
5824-A | Farm Headquarters, Layout - 1,000 Cultivated Acres | 04-14-14 | |
5197 | Farm Spring House | 04-14-14 | |
6287 | Machinery Shed - 32' width with Shop at one end | 04-14-14 | |
5848 | Bunker Silo - with roof and side sheds | 04-14-14 | |
6190 | Fan Ventilation System for Animals | 04-14-14 | |
5175 | Horse Stalls - Various | 04-14-14 |