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Publication Numbersort descending Title Filed Under Date
P3871 Casualty Losses of Shade Trees and Landscape Elements Disaster Response, Disaster Recovery 03-18-24
P3872 The Science of Vaccines: How the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Helps Your Immune System Fight COVID-19 Health and Wellness, Health, Coronavirus 02-17-23
P3873 Winter Drawdown: A Useful Management Tool for Mississippi Farm Ponds Farming, Fisheries 02-20-23
P3874 Self-Care Health Message Health 02-23-23
P3875 Vision Care Health Message Health 03-01-23
P3876 4-H Shooting Sports Introduction 4-H Shooting Sports 03-10-23
P3877 4-H Shooting Sports Safety Officer Reference Guide 4-H, 4-H Shooting Sports 03-31-23
P3878 10 Steps to a Successful 4-H Shooting Sports Program 4-H, 4-H Shooting Sports 03-16-23
P3879 Methods for Disbudding Goat Kids Livestock, Animal Health, Goats and Sheep 03-14-23
P3880 Tattooing Cattle Youth Livestock, Livestock 03-31-23
P3882 Wood Ducks in Mississippi Wildlife 09-21-23
P3883 Soil Testing for the Homeowner Soil Fertility, Soil Health, Soil Testing 04-12-23
P3884 Disaster Relief: Clearing Debris from Land Disaster Response, Forestry 04-12-23
P3885 Marketing and Advertising a Farmers Market Business: A Guide for Youth Farmers Markets, Marketing and Business Planning, Small Business 04-11-23
P3886 Mississippi Water Stewards Youth Biomonitoring Manual Water, Mississippi Water Stewards 06-19-23
P3887 Forest Growth and Yield Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management 04-21-23
P3888 Reproductive Management for Bos indicus-Influenced Cows Livestock, Beef, Beef Publications 04-12-23
P3889 How to Calculate Irrigation Pumping Costs with MITOOL Corn, Cotton, Master Irrigator, Soybeans, Irrigation 05-08-23
P3890 Coping with Stress after a Tornado Disaster Response 10-01-24
P3891 Nurturing Resilience and Healing in Children and Teens Affected by a Tornado Disaster Response 10-01-24
