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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Numbersort descending Title Filed Under Date
P3954 Economic Contributions of the Mississippi Seafood Industry by Major Species in 2020 Agricultural Economics, Seafood Economics 11-06-23
P3956 Understanding Chapter 12 Bankruptcy for Agricultural Producers Agricultural Economics, Agri-business, Small Business, Family Financial Management 11-17-23
P3958 Decreasing Mastitis in the Milking Herd Animal Health, Dairy 11-10-23
P3959 Know the Numbers: Reduce Plastic Waste Health and Wellness, Production Phases and Systems, Waste Management 11-13-23
P3960 Mississippi 4-H Canoe and Kayak Club Curriculum 4-H 07-10-24
P3961 Phosphorus in Mississippi Soils Soils, Soil Fertility, Soil Testing 11-27-23
P3962 Potassium in Mississippi Soils Soils 11-25-24
P3964 Nitrogen in Mississippi Soils Soils, Soil Fertility, Lawn and Garden 01-02-24
P3966 Pecan Scab in the Home Landscape Fruit and Nut Diseases 03-18-24
P3967 Disease and Insect Management for Pecans in Home Landscapes Insects-Crop Pests, Insects Vegetable Gardens, Fruit and Nut Diseases 04-10-24
P3968 Useful Nutrient Management Planning Data Soils 03-20-24
P3969 Key Informant Interviews: A Method for Conducting a Needs Assessment Leadership, Program and Staff Development 02-06-25
P3970 Small Business Finances: A Guide for Youth Agricultural Economics, Growing Your Brand, Youth Financial Literacy 02-09-24
P3971 Windshield Tours: A Method for Conducting a Needs Assessment Leadership, Program and Staff Development 02-06-25
P3972 2022 Soybean Variety Demonstration Program Agriculture, Soybeans 02-27-24
P3973 2023 Soybean Variety Suggestions Soybeans 02-27-24
P3974-1 2022 On-Farm Soybean Variety Demonstration: Maturity Group IV (MG 4.5–4.6) RR2X and XF Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Agriculture, Soybeans 02-22-24
P3974-2 2022 On-Farm Soybean Variety Demonstration: Maturity Group IV (MG 4.7–4.9) RR2X and XF Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Agriculture, Soybeans 02-22-24
P3974-3 2022 On-Farm Soybean Variety Demonstration: Maturity Group V RR2X and XF Response to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Agriculture, Soybeans 02-22-24
P3975-1 2022 On-Farm Soybean Variety Demonstration: Seed Quality Results for Irrigated MG IV (Clay) RR2X and XF Varieties Agriculture, Soybeans 02-22-24
