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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3111 Storm-Resistant Trees for Mississippi Landscapes Landscape and Garden Design, Trees 05-14-24
P3177 Transitioning Land from Expired CRP to Forage Production Forages 05-14-24
P2591 4-H Insect Identification Contest: Study Guide for Senior 4-H'ers Youth Projects, Insects, Insect Identification 05-14-24
P3996 Bi-Annual Research Symposium Proceedings, Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Research and Extension Centers, Marine Resources 05-14-24
P2421 Growing Your Own Oak Seedlings Trees, Forestry, Beginning Forestry, Regeneration 05-06-24
P3191 Bushkiller Weed Control for Crops, Weed Control for Forages, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 05-06-24
P3195 Minor Pests of Honey Bees in Mississippi Beekeeping, Pests 05-06-24
P3189 Chinese Tallowtree Weed Control for Crops, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 05-06-24
P3204 Hairy Crabweed Weed Control for Lawn and Garden, Invasive Plants 05-06-24
P3556 Minimizing Aflatoxin in Corn Corn 05-06-24
P799 4-H Dairy Poster Contest 4-H, Dairy 05-06-24
P3611 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Tomatoes Nutrition 05-06-24
P3200 Tropical Soda Apple Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 05-02-24
P3205 Johnsongrass Forages, Weed Control for Forages, Invasive Plants 05-02-24
P3464 Recognizing Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle: A Scoring System to Help Producers Assess Heat Stress Dairy 05-02-24
P3987 Food Shopping for One or Two Food and Health, Nutrition 04-29-24
P3544 Emergency Action Plans for Food Businesses Disaster Preparedness 04-25-24
P3201 Wisteria Invasive Plants 04-25-24
P3647 Protect Children from Sexual Abuse: Tips for Parents of Preschoolers Children and Parenting 04-24-24
P3595 Agronomy Projects for 4-H and Youth 4-H, Youth Projects, Crops, Soils 04-24-24
