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Publication Numbersort descending Title Filed Under Date
P2705 The Plant Doctor: How to Spray Fungicides to Protect Landscapes, Gardens, and Turf on Residential Property Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens, Landscape Management, Fruit and Nut Disease Publications, Lawn and Turf Diseases, Vegetable Gardens 03-31-22
P2710 Pasture and Grazing Management Under Drought Conditions Farming, Management - Forages, Livestock 05-12-23
P2714 Mississippi Beef Cattle Producer Pocket Guide Beef 12-05-22
P2717 Fall Armyworms in Hayfields and Pastures Insects-Forage Pests 10-14-21
P2718 Choosing a Consulting Forester Forestry 03-29-23
P2722 Management Strategies to Improve Native and Seedling Pecan Groves Nuts 11-29-23
P2726 Prescribed Burning for Pasture Management Grasses, Weed Control for Forages, Forestry 01-27-25
P2729 Understanding Pruning and Injury Wounds in Fruit Trees Trees 09-29-22
P2730 Forcing Cold-Hardy Bulbs Indoors Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens 10-20-22
P2732 Protect Your Pine Plantation Investment by Thinning Forestry 10-23-19
P2733 Imported Fire Ant-Free Hay Certification in Mississippi Forages, Insects-Forage Pests, Insects, Fire Ants 12-09-22
P2735 Sample Pine Thinning Contract Forestry, Forest Economics 10-18-22
P2736 Good Agricultural Practices for Pecans in Mississippi Agriculture, Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Nuts 01-08-25
P2738 Poultry Litter Management Farming, Poultry 07-08-22
P2738-S Manejo de cama en pollos de engorde Farming, Poultry 01-06-22
P2739 How Can the Agricultural Communications Media Relations Team Help You? County Extension Offices 10-09-24
P2742 Water-Related Factors in Broiler Production Poultry 06-21-22
P2744 Managing Litter Moisture in Broiler Houses with Built-Up Litter Poultry 07-20-22
P2746 Notes from the Veterans Memorial Rose Garden Flower Gardens 10-06-22
P2748 Southern Pine Beetle in Mississippi: An Overview Insects-Crop Pests, Pests, Forestry, Forest Pests 03-16-22
